In Search of Fairfax

Fairfax's Jewish Population, 1951-1979

This comparison of data from five different Jewish community studies helps to highlight the demographic fluctuations throughout the Fairfax neighborhood from 1951 through 1979.  Indeed, the area's Jewish population experienced steady growth through the mid-1960s, decline during the early 1970s, and sharp rise by the end of the decade; these shifting populations trends informed and shaped the ways in which community leaders, grassroots activists, and residents approached and understood the neighborhood from both a social and cultural perspective. 

Sources: Fred Massarik, “A Report on the Jewish Population of Los Angeles, 1951” (Los Angeles: Jewish Federation-Council of Greater Los Angeles, 1951); Fred Massarik, “A Report on the Jewish Population of of Los Angeles, 1959” (Los Angeles: Jewish Federation-Council of Greater Los Angeles, 1959); Fred Massarik, “A Report on the Jewish Population of Los Angeles, 1968” (Los Angeles: Jewish Federation-Council of Greater Los Angeles, 1968; Bruce Phillips, “Los Angeles Jewry: A Demographic Portrait” (New York: American Jewish Committee, 1986).

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