Formerly and Currently Incarcerated People Organizing (example power words: self-determination, white supremacy, abuse...)
Begin this path
- 1495: Creating Wealth
- 1682: Christian Parentage (Virginia Slave Act)
- 1731/2000: Three's a Crowd
- 1820-60: Cotton Is Crowned
- 1865: Three-Card Monte
- 1866: Supply and Demand
- 1867: Seeds of Mass Incarceration
- 1882: That'll Be All...
- 1895: My Way or My Way
- 1917: Democracy at Home
- 1942: The Straw Dummy
- 1952: Spectacle of Punishment
- 1968: Nation on the Move
- 1977: Locked In
- 1994: At the Old Ball Game!
- 1996: Priorities
- 1996-98: Sitting Ducks
- 1998: Ignorance Is Bliss
- 2001: Impossible Situation #1 (1 in 3)
- 2009: 1 Potato, 2 Potato...
- 2010-11: On Repeat
- 2011: Cooking the Frog
- 2013: Linking
- 2017: The Colonial Corpse
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