2017: The Colonial Corpse
The Pacific Islander Men’s Program in Hawai’i, which offers a 16-week curriculum for abusive men in Pacific Islander communities focused on cultural heritage and histories of colonization, work with other Native Hawaiian groups to successfully boycott and block the use of Native Hawaiian culture as a major selling point and attraction at Disneyland Hawai’i.
2012: The Idle No More movement forms around Indigenous Ways of Knowing rooted in Indigenous
Sovereignty to protect water, air, land and all creation for future generations. Attawapiskat Chief Theresa Spence begins a hunger strike calling on treaty negotiations with the Canadian Prime Minister and the Queen's representative (because many of the original treaties were negotiated with England).
Discussion Questions:
2012: The Idle No More movement forms around Indigenous Ways of Knowing rooted in Indigenous
Sovereignty to protect water, air, land and all creation for future generations. Attawapiskat Chief Theresa Spence begins a hunger strike calling on treaty negotiations with the Canadian Prime Minister and the Queen's representative (because many of the original treaties were negotiated with England).
Discussion Questions:
- How can culture be a source of healing generational trauma?
- What types of knowledge have you learned from elders in your life? How does this inform who you are and how you live in the world?
- What are the effects of "selling" culture? How does this erase or dehumanize culture and people? What are some examples of selling culture?
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