Travel And The Cultural Gardens

Chapter 1-1: Cultural and Heritage Tourism

In this book we will discuss the impact that culture has on gardens as well as travel. The idea that through venues like the Cleveland Botanical Gardens one may find themselves open to influeces that market an experince to a viewer. Locations and Venues like these are a taste a sample of what a culture has to offer, you are seeing a surface level cultiuvated experience that is designed too captivate you. Yet when it boils down to its core elements all it becomes is a surface level experience. You dont get a true feeling for the core ideologies that are attached to many natural and beatiful items in other cultures, and you also miss out on the balance the culture has created among these symbols.

This is what we will be discussing in this book further on; the effects of travel and culture on nature and gardens today, and why this is important in the idea of travel.


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