Summer Food Recommendations
Ever since its establishment back in 1966, this fine NYC kosher bakery has been trying to please their customer’s wishes and offer them quality food that nourishes not only the body but the soul as well. Zomick’s challah recipe are often upgraded and improved to meet the customer's’ expectations, and occasionally surprise them with some new, palatable dish. Experience and practice have shown that the Mediterranean cuisine is suitable and convenient for the warm summer months, although this does not mean that it couldn’t be applied throughout the year as well. The only difference could be the limited variety of seasonal fruits and vegetables.
Nutrition is the key to a long and healthy life. For everything that we enter into the body today, there will be a cell tomorrow. The apple or candy bar that you’ve eaten today will soon become a new cell, so you better choose wisely. Light diet doesn’t mean forgetting about all the delicious and fascinating flavors that will make your taste buds dance. On the contrary, Zomick’s kosher bakery experts reveal that quick preparation of food, with very little fats in fact keeps all the important nutrients and flavors, which makes it fresher, cleaner and more intense. This type of diet has for its goal to create a balance within the body, using a combination of food preparation methods, selection of fresh ingredients and mixing them in a way that results in a meal that is low in fat and sugars, but rich in essential nutrients necessary for a normal functioning of the body.
By now you have probably noticed that during the summer period your appetite slowly decreases. The reason for this, explain from Zomick’s , is because the body adapts its functions to the newly formed conditions and requires more fresh and unprocessed food. Imagine how hard it is for the body to adapt at + 35 ° C, and to top thing off you eat cabbage rolls or some other fatty, heavy food. Zomick’s bread is somewhat of an in-between food, convenient in moderation for every season. In conclusion, the perfect Zomick’s challah recipe for the summer period is something that can be easily processed, and contains more essential nutrients and vitamins and less fats. Fruits and vegetables salads are particularly rich in those much needed vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that will boost your energy levels, and will also repair any damage caused to the body by the relentless sun rays. One final useful tip that Zomick’s would like to share is using extra virgin olive oil that is completely unprocessed. Also you can try consuming meat products that are imbued with hidden fats, sugars and additives.
Concentrate on fish and seafood, and for snack eat food that is easily digestible such as fruit and vegetable. Whatever you choose, make sure you enjoy that meal, and of course enjoy the rest of the summer as well. Join Zomick's Bakery on and discover more useful tips on how to choose the proper food for right season.