Young Artist Project: USC Thornton School of Music

Nolan Juaire

My name is Nolan Juaire, and for my Young Artist Project I created a youtube channel which houses a series of interviews and introductory videos which aim to answer the question “what is classical guitar?” Classical guitar isn’t particularly well known, and even in the music world many people either haven’t heard of it at all, or don’t know much about it’s specifics. As a classical guitarist I wanted to create a space which can both give a crash course answer to the commonly asked questions, and give some more general information and context about the culture surrounding classical guitar and how it fits into the music world. The videos I created cover the basic information about the music, instrument itself, and the technique which all distinguish classical guitar. The interviews serve to provide context and more information about the world around guitar from professionals currently working in the field. I hope that through this project not only can classical guitar become more well known, but also that it can be used as a quick intro to guitar in outreach scenarios. 


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