Critical Theory in a Digital Age, CCU, ENGL 483 2017


Undoubtedly, we are all cyborgs in some fashion. Anything, technological wise, that in anyway shape or form enhances your physical, social, and spiritual self would make you a cyborg in that you are going against your make or model. You are accomplishing things that no ordinary human should be able to do by taking on physical and metaphysical parts in order to enhance you. In an ever progressing and changing world of cyborgs and demi-gods searching for meaning and purpose through texts boxes and statuses. Within every trace of technology, there is a fingerprint of our identities, actions, and emotion. We project pieces of ourselves into the technology we use, and by leaving our prints on it and modifying it to our benefit it, in turn, changes and modifies us. Technology is like a mother, and we the fetus, we grow and learn from it and often inside of it. It has nurtured us into the identities that we create. 

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