The "Magic" and "Charm" of the Pumpkin Spice Latte
This idea of fetishized simulacrums having a particular “magic” and “charm” are often a false cultural meaning that is imprinted by the laborer and society.
“The truth of the fetish resides in its status as a material embodiment; its truth is not that of the idol, for the idol's truth lies in its relation of iconic resemblance to some immaterial model or entity” (Pietz).
These labels are not an object’s truth.
Specifically, in regards to gender, society manipulates the social value of objects to propagate their definition of the “ideal” woman. In Pieces of Herself, the images and audio that users are labeling as the female gender identity is actually false. The components are fetishized commodities themselves with society purposefully constructing them in order to reinforce their gender expectations. The user unintentionally reflect the referential belief because of their implicit biases.