Critical Theory in a Digital Age, CCU, ENGL 483 2017

Morgan, Pg 2

Pieces of Herself is an electronic hypertext that relies on the bilingualism of code and language to present the reader with a baroque, but very recognizable world.  This hypertext uses the ornate otherness of the aesthetic of the baroque to push this false reality even closer to being indistinguishably real.  It uses image and sound to convey to the reader choices of how to fill their character with qualities and ideas that present normal pressures for women.  This electronic hypertext uses simulation to get the reader involved and engaged with the piece, creating a simulacrum of a world that feels real so that the reader will be moved by this electronic text through their own choices.  While this recognizable world is a simulacrum, much like most of our own, it begins to feel even more “real” than what currently surrounds us because of its honesty and relatability as it tries to confront the societal pressures placed on women every day by making use of the baroque aesthetic as a way to make its elements conceal much more than a basic image.  

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