Critical Theory in a Digital Age, CCU, ENGL 483 2017


        #MeToo creates a community of women who have struggled with similar experiences with sexual harassment. Seth Myers addresses the society in which this sexual harassment was built in his video about systemic sexism within days of the surfacing of #MeToo. He uses his standing as a man in a position of power who is sympathetic to sexual harassment to address this social issue, rather than using a platform such as Twitter. In the video, he makes real references to ongoing issues with sexual harassment committed by powerful men such as Donald Trump and Harvey Weinstein. The video, in its entirety, stands as a symbol for electracy, as this grand issue is being brought to the attention of all of its viewers via video and can be viewed more than once at the viewer’s convenience because of its accessibility on YouTube.Video is a huge proponent of electracy, as composing video seems to be a language in and of itself, but they prove to be very informative, especially in the case of Seth Myers video. He uses quite a bit of humor throughout the video, but his sarcastic undertones prove that he is serious about this topic of sexual harassment and abuse. He uses humor to attract and keep his audience, which is a feature used by many celebrities like him who publicly speak about corruption because humor is highly valued by today’s society as a result of entertainment value in all things. The use of electracy is mostly for entertainment, but technology has been repurposed to be more useful over the years. Despite it becoming more useful, though, entertainment still lies at its core with aesthetics being demanded highly by its users as well as functionality. These minor aspects of electracy bleed into culture as a whole and as a result, society tends to value entertainment in most aspects of their lives, which is why it is important for Seth Myers to remain humorous throughout his video so that his audience gives him a higher entertainment value. Electracy allows for high levels of stimulation and this changes the way people want to be entertained; you must work for their attention since it is so easy to find something that may be more aesthetically pleasing or more entertaining. Therefore, this video truly is symbolic of electracy as it institutes the rhetoric necessary to attract and maintain an audience.

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