- source citation
- bibliography
- report build
- relational model
- team coding
- group coding
- text responses
- data import
- documentation
- Survey Monkey
- integrations
- speaker name
- proper noun
- data patterns
- manual coding
- data visualization galleries
- framework
- advanced query
- macro
- Google Scholar
- data variable
- RefWorks
- EndNote
- Zotero
- Mendeley
- Citavi
- web-based bibliography tools
- remote profiling
- query wizard
- word frequency count
- generative AI
- multi-gram
- n-gram
- social network graph
- social network
- saturation
- coding instrument
- threshold for Kappa
- coding comparison
- code export
- 3d cluster analysis
- 2d cluster analysis
- word cloud
- color
- annotation
- .qdc format
- REFI-QDA codebook
- online gallery
- dimension
- speaker name
- autocoding
- sequential explorations
- NVivo 12 Plus
- data query
- qualitative crosstab query
- table
- matrix
- content language
- base language
- interface language
- case nodes
- wants list
- global stop words settings
- code list
- standalone codebook
- Qualtrics API token
- topic modeling
- theme and subtheme extraction
- treemap
- sunburst
- hierarchy chart
- survey
- Survey Import Wizard
- language style matching (LSM)
- Qualtrics
- literature review
- optical character recognition
- vinyl
- analog / digital conversion
- distant reading
- sentiment polarity
- log
- memo link
- proxy
- Gnip
- Adobe Photoshop
- social imagery
- unpublished sources
- published sources
- gray literature
- glossary of terms
- auto-generated
- data preservation
- matrix coding query
- query wizard
- text search query
- extract
- node export
- Zotero
- RefWorks
- Mendeley
- EndNote
- bibliographic citation
- instructional design
- book publishing
- http network
- machine learning
- dataset
- microblogging
- portable document format (PDF)
- social networking site
- non-consumptive reading
- team coding
- online survey data
- autocoding by existing pattern
- text style
- ingested data
- attribute table
- classification sheet
- attribute data
- case node
- group query
- connection map
- ring lattice graph
- compound query
- text proximity search
- similarity analysis
- interrater reliability
- coding query
- stopwords list
- report
- relational
- associational
- audio
- embed text
- YouTube
- waveform
- transcription
- transcription
- ArcGIS
- Google Maps
- geographical mapping
- matrix
- project conversion
- concept extraction
- sentiment analysis
- node-link diagram
- network analysis
- entity
- ego
- sentiment analysis
- data curation
- bar chart
- Excel
- case node
- framework matrix
- reports
- source classification
- Models
- decision tree
- references
- data visualization
- interface
- memo
- classification
- internal source
- data repository
- multilingual
- demographics
- NCapture
- application programming interface (API)
- social media platform
- social media
- Auto Code Wizard
- human-machine coding
- 2D
- 3D
- Tweetstream data
- word frequency query
- Deborah Rowe
- word frequency count
- Group Query Window
- Cohen's Kappa coefficient
- data query
- codebook
- machine coding
- autocoding
- external source contents
- internal source contents
- research journaling
- NVivo interface
- data analysis
- mixed methods research
- qualitative research
- NVivo