Unit 4, Lesson 8: What did schools look like in the Bryn Mawr area between the early 1900s and 1943?

Student Profile – Fernanda Cruz

Fernanda Cruz and her family immigrated from Mexico to California in 1918. Her family settled in Azusa, California where she attended school. At her school in Azuza, she was taught in the Mexican schoolroom apart from the Anglo children who were instructed on the other side of the building. In third grade, Cruz recalls grasping English, which allowed her to transform from a confused child to an engaged student. Cruz ultimately became the valedictorian in her eighth year allowing her access to a high school education, which was extremely rare at the time. Because of her love of learning, she went on to become a teacher and became the last teacher to instruct students at the Bryn Mawr School. 

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