Juan "Freddie Freak" Trujillo

What is UMAS?

UMAS is an activist group on the CU Boulder campus which stands for United Mexican American Students works to increase the culture, social, political, and economic well-being of Chicano students on campus. The group was founded in 1968 and was founded on the core ideas of respect, dignity, justice, and equality for Chicano people. Another goal was to advance educational resources for the youth in the community. They also worked to advance the rights of all people and to create a safe environment for people. They are still in operation today on the Boulder campus. 

They also wanted to present and share the Chicano culture with people in the culture and community. They constantly encourage Chicano graduates of CU Boulder and other institutions of higher learning to return to their communities and help better the people that live there. UMAS is dedicated to the recruitment and the retaining of Chicano students at CU. They also provide services to the community such as tutoring, tours of CU, panels for middle and high schools, and community events for people that feel disenfranchised. 

The main purpose of UMAS is to celebrate and share Mexican culture with the Boulder community and to fight for equality for all races and creeds. Freddie Freak was first introduced to the group in 1970, and would remain a member until he moved to Pueblo, Colorado in 1978. Trujillo was a member of the group and present for some of their most chaotic and significant periods in the organization's history


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