Transgender Rights in Higher Education

University Policy & Administration

Policy Implementation & Evaluation
Inclusiveness begins with the implementation of policy. All of the trans-friendly schools listed above have policies already in place and processes to evaluate student experiences and implement new ones. For example, at Princeton University, they have a work group that helps develop best practices in campus offices for supporting trans students. At UCLA the transgender and gender-nonconforming student group conducts a needs assessment to make sure that trans students are getting the support that they need. At the University of Oregon, their administrative staff in the departments around campus are well-trained in LGBTQ issues and take a proactive approach to doing needs analysis and make improvements without the LGBTQ center getting involved and lobbying them for change. An important policy that UMass Amherst has implemented is one supporting the participation of trans students in campus sports.

Legal Name Change
Most of the transgender-friendly schools on this list also have an easy process for trans students to register the name and gender of their own preference. At Case Western, there is a simple form that students submit to the registrar to change their gender. At University Michigan they have a similar policy. The University of Vermont has a sophisticated management system that helps keep this policy well organized and ensures that the changes are reflected on IDs, class rosters and the entire university system. These policies work well and prevent potentially embarrassing situations where the student would be outed if a professor called the roll or someone looked them up in an online campus directory.

Health Care

Another important policy matter for trans students is that of health care. With recognition and acceptance of different gender identities, some colleges and universities have begun to adjust their health insurance policies in line with gender transition-related issues. Over 40 colleges now offer coverage without a cap that provides for mental health care, hormone therapy, and surgery for trans students. In order to ensure that this coverage is being taken advantage of, UCLA, one of the institutions offering this coverage, has developed an easy process for students to be able to access these benefits. Similarly, the University of Pennsylvania has trained and hired staff members who are trans-aware so that they can work with trans students and make sure that they receive quality health care.

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