Transgender Rights in Higher Education

Final Remarks

There is a lot of work ahead of us in assisting transgender students to receive an equitable education. Transgender students often speak about what they wish their campus offered to them versus what actually existed. While the number of universities offering support to their trans* students is growing, there are many more institutions that have little to no protection for them. These students are in need of individualized attention due to their unique situations. It is necessary to implement university policies that ensure the protection of these students, be it through language, climate, housing or other.

The campus climate depends directly on the reactions of faculty, staff, and fellow students. While the transgender student themselves can be a source of information, it marginalizes the student when they are the only source of information.  Colleges and universities need to incorporate the proper training for faculty, staff, and students, and continue a dialogue with the transgender community on campus to ensure that their educational and personal needs are met.  There is a financial cost dependent on the changes needed, which would vary based on the college’s existing transgender support systems, but the cost is worth it in order to ensure that all students have a safe space to learn, live, and enjoy.

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