Transgender Rights in Higher Education

Awareness & Training


In order to promote tolerance and acceptance toward transgender issues on campus, the schools in these examples hold awareness campaigns and trainings. New York University hosts a Trans Awareness Week and holds numerous trans-focused social events. Similarly, Princeton and the University of California Riverside are actively involved in the Transgender Day of Remembrance with Princeton hosting it on behalf of the entire state of New Jersey. In fact, this effort is part of a greater collaboration between the LGBTQ center in Princeton and the statewide trans rights group. This partnership has helped create a poster project of important living trans figures.

The past seven years, the LGBTQA Center at the University of Vermont has conducted “Trans 101” training sessions for many of its staff members. Additionally, for over 10 years now, the school has hosted a student-run conference called the “Translating Identity Conference” (TIC) which delves into gender and transgender issues and identities. Similarly, the University of California Riverside runs a training program for allies of the LGBTQ community which explores these issues and the experiences of trans people. Princeton holds an educational series with many of the same goals called “Active Allyship”. This helps allies of the LGBTQ community develop tools of support and better informs participants about being an ally in regards to issues of ability, race, gender, spirituality and sexuality. In addition to this educational series, institutional awareness and tolerance at Princeton is strengthened by the teaching and research of a number of faculty members who focus on transgender experiences and trans theory.

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