Transformational Resistance and Developing a Critical Consiousness for Students in Their Early Stages of Schooling and Beyond

Middle School, and High School Transformational Resistance Practices

1. Gather a group of students who are interested in discussing racial oppression in schools. This should work as a space where people feel comfortable talking about their educational experiences and therefore can be in an open dialogue amongst students of all types of different ethnic/ racial backgrounds, or students that are like minded and have a similar ethnic and socioeconomic background as you.

2. Create a platform were students can openly talk about their experiences with racial oppression at their schools. This can be a magazine, newspaper, blog, Youtube channel whatever, it is just an important key of transformational resistance that voices that counter the dominate "white school student" narrative are validated, documented, and heard.

3. Host a teach-in at you school. Teach-in's are tricky when trying to practice transformational resistance because one of the major keys of transformational resistance is to make sure that you are not reproducing the system of oppression that you are fighting against. Meaning that you have no obligation to explain to white faculty members, students or administration members about your racial oppression, in schools. You should not feel obligated to teach them anything, as if they don't know how their own actions affect you, because they do, the teach-in idea would be to educate other students that they may be subject to racial oppression, that it is important for them to validate their own stories, and how to combat racial oppression using transformation resistance

4. Go to the press, although so many educators have mad films written pieces on the lack of good education for black students etc. It is always a good idea to contact you're local newspaper, news station, whoever you believe has a voice that could reach a lot of people and not twist your words or manipulate your movement.

5. Organize a demonstration, demonstration doesn't straight away mean protest, but what you could stage a walk-out where all students leave class and congregate in the center of school or lead a march where all students enter the principal's building in solidarity with the black students and Latino students that feel as if they are being subject to racial oppression.

6. This is an alternative idea for black students that are artists use your art as a platform to talk about the racial oppression of black students in schools. Tell your story or the stories of other black students via your artwork, and no administrator or faculty member can challenge that.

7. One of the major keys of transformational resistance is self-care and self-love. Be happy and be proud to be black, although educators and white administrators may try to diminish your light and your potential you should be proud to identify as a race of people that literally freed themselves from slavery and created their own black education movement before the desegregation of public schools and school to prison pipeline. This is one of the most vital components of resistance!

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