Transboundary E-waste

Procedure for developing the DebateGraph visualization.

We used the following steps to identify points of disagreement in the scholarly literature:

1. All references identified in the Scopus database search were imported into Zotero (a free, scholalry document management software). The data imported included all available abstracts.

2. We used Zotero's "Generate Report from Collection" function to export a text document containing all citation information including abstracts. The report can be found here.

3. We conducted word searches through the document created in Step 2 for all stems of the disagreement terms in our Concordance of Disagreement: argue, concern, conflict, contend, contest, controversy, debate, deliberate, differ, disagree, dispute, fight, misconception, misunderstand, oppose. For example, the search for 'argue' included argue, argument, arguing, etc.

4. When text searches found matches for any of the disagreement terms, we selected the text as a quotation to be included in the "Details" tab associated with the positions visualized using DebateGraph. The "Details" tab contains the selected quotation and a full citation for the source of the quote.

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