Wren Kauffman
Wren came out to his classmates in elementary school. During "circle time" in his fifth grade classroom, students share stories and/or "happenings" about themselves. Wren shared with his classmates his true gender identity and has lived unapologetically ever since. In fact, he has become a public figure and advocate in his home country of Canada. Due to his young age, his physician closely monitors Wren. He currently is on hormone blockers, and at sixteen, he will be able to start male hormone injections. The legal age for gender reassignment surgery is eighteen.
Wren has a small digital "tattoo" on Facebook, and he is taking his time navigating cultural participation media sites. He states, "People tease me right now and I can handle it. The way that I like to look at it is that they're just practice for the real jerks in life." We all know there are many "jerks" on social media sites: a.k.a TROLLS! The Gay Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) reported startling statistics about LGBT online bullying and harassing in 2013. The article states, "Out Online reveals that LGBT youth are more likely than non-LGBT youth to be bullied or harassed online (42% vs. 15%)."
Certainly we can understand the important of education when it comes to education our youth on the pros and cons of the digital world; however, it is particularly important to educate and guide our LGBT youth. Wren has a very fun and positive Facebook page! Check him out and follow him on Facebook to learn more about him!