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As race is a widely debated topic with so many nuances and gray areas, this essay is my take on what race truly is. In short, I believe that race is a social construct created by man in order to justify the countless injustices and crimes committed to different peoples throughout the ages. I analyze the historical roots of race, focusing most specifically on America's relationship with race, and how Americans seem to use and perpetuate this concept to justify the genocide of Native Americans, slavery, exclusion, and more.plain2020-11-30T11:42:50-08:0037.09024, -95.712891
Megan Zhang
As race is a widely debated topic with so many nuances and gray areas, this essay is my take on what race truly is. In short, I believe that race is a social construct created by man in order to justify the countless injustices and crimes committed to different peoples throughout the ages. I analyze the historical roots of race, focusing most specifically on America's relationship with race, and how Americans seem to use and perpetuate this concept to justify the genocide of Native Americans, slavery, exclusion, and more.