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12020-11-23T13:09:07-08:00Curtis Fletcher3225f3b99ebb95ebd811595627293f68f680673e378067google_maps2020-11-24T12:18:53-08:00Curtis Fletcher3225f3b99ebb95ebd811595627293f68f680673eThank You for Visiting
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1media/TreesDohenyCampus.jpg2020-09-17T19:45:07-07:00Mary Traester3c331c166c8b71380909665f15205b660b1b9c2bAbout the ConferenceMary Traester41plain10360902020-12-09T11:18:56-08:00Mary Traester3c331c166c8b71380909665f15205b660b1b9c2b
As technology advances, it is necessary to stop and reflect upon how these new developments will change our world in the future. One example is the ever developing Artificial Intelligence (AI) sector. AI promises faster and more capable computers, and many have predicted that these developments will lead to a takeover of careers in fields such as medicine. But when we take a closer look at what medicine really is, and what aspects make up the role of a doctor, it becomes clear that medicine’s roots in humanity will hold fast. However, this is not to say that Artificial Intelligence is useless when it comes to healthcare. In fact, if implemented in a way that will carefully balance the human aspects of medicine, AI can revolutionize medicine, while still allowing doctors to continue their crucial, and fundamentally human, work.plain2020-11-30T11:25:35-08:0037.7749295, -122.4194155Curtis Fletcher3225f3b99ebb95ebd811595627293f68f680673e
This is an analytical essay where I explore why New Horizons was the perfect game to match up to the COVID 19 moment, and I discuss how creating a virtual idyllic world feigns the white-picket-fence American Dream that has become ever so elusive, while also discussing how the game points out flaws in our American Dream.plain2020-11-30T11:29:10-08:0037.5485396, -121.988583Mary Traester3c331c166c8b71380909665f15205b660b1b9c2b
In “Should schools be reopened?” I wrestle with my conflicting wishes of wanting to meet my new classmates and experience “the college lifestyle”- meeting people virtually does not provide the same interactions as meeting physically- while also wanting to protect my and my family’s health and acknowledging the benefits of online learning. Through reasoning, I decide my stance on whether or not schools should be reopened during the pandemic.plain2020-11-30T11:16:33-08:0034.0625106, -118.1228476Curtis Fletcher3225f3b99ebb95ebd811595627293f68f680673e
Proponents of paternalism generally assume that governmental actions to extend and optimize life are morally good. However, by delving into French philosopher Michel Foucault’s theory of biopolitics through the specific context of public health policies in World War II Hawai’i and drawing connections to COVID-19 America, it becomes clear that the optimization of life prioritizes the interests of the state. It is difficult to imagine a world in which we rebel against the optimization of life, but we must actively resist the way paternalism sacrifices the lives of the most vulnerable to ensure its own health.plain2020-11-30T12:44:30-08:0037.3326395, -122.0054873Curtis Fletcher3225f3b99ebb95ebd811595627293f68f680673e
My analytical essay will pinpoint specific moments John Milton's epic Paradise Lost to see whether or not he succeeds in his plans to justify God. Milton, the narrator, constantly parallels himself with his version of the character Satan. Although this makes it appear that Milton is of the Devil's party, in reality, this parallel is a vital way the Milton is able to justify God. It is in this comparison that Milton makes apparent God's grace. In the end, in an unlikely turn of events, through the similarities between Satan and the narrator, the ways of God are justified and John Milton's intent that is stated in the opening lines of Paradise Lost is fulfilled.plain2020-11-30T11:25:45-08:0043.598872, -86.357952Mary Traester3c331c166c8b71380909665f15205b660b1b9c2b
12020-11-14T15:32:26-08:00Mary Traester3c331c166c8b71380909665f15205b660b1b9c2bMotivated Musing12By Nandini M
This has been a period where I believe I have written some of my best poems. Everything I write is based on actual incidents in my life and the emotions expressed are completely authentic. I write when I'm overwhelmed with emotion. So, here's me ranting away in my poetry!plain2020-11-30T12:35:24-08:0017.385044, 78.486671Likhita Sureshfa36a2f3506609c5e2c064df653783c84fd35c54
Tropes of domestic abuse have existed long before even the vocabulary to define them by. One particular notion -- abuse without evidence -- is one of the most harrowing and, sadly, recurring themes that appear in literature, film, and media. Often, this theme can be so restated that it loses its impact on viewers. Leigh Whannell's 2020 horror film, The Invisible Man, offers a new approach to depicting this careworn trope through its camerawork, ultimately pushing viewers to understand the implications of not believing victims of abuse.plain2020-11-30T11:28:22-08:0033.6845673, -117.8265049Mary Traester3c331c166c8b71380909665f15205b660b1b9c2b
My first ever college writing assignment for my WRIT 150 course prompted me to examine a normative practice in education and to analyze its implications of the underlying values that shape education. Based on my personal experiences, I was immediately compelled to center my paper around the expectation for students in America to recite and adopt the pledge of allegiance. Although this longstanding tradition in education is typically overlooked, my paper argues that the expectation for students to adopt the Pledge reveals the educational system’s underlying value of adherence to authority. By calling upon my own personal elementary school experiences and observations, I claim that this educational norm jeopardizes a student’s freedom and impedes their ability to question the authority of their educators, of educational standards, and of the American state itself.plain2020-11-30T11:35:24-08:0037.09024, -95.712891Mary Traester3c331c166c8b71380909665f15205b660b1b9c2b
Being to explore my interest in the most ironic of times.plain2020-11-30T12:20:54-08:0037.09024, -95.712891Likhita Sureshfa36a2f3506609c5e2c064df653783c84fd35c54
Prior to attending USC, I took a gap year to pursue my interest in regenerative agriculture and environmental design. After working in various alternative agricultural operations I gained insight into the challenges and goals of instituting a regenerative framework for human land-based relationships. On one farm, I learned about Permaculture as one alternative for holistic and sustainable land management. On another farm, I was often challenged or looked down upon for my beliefs. In this scholarly personal narrative, I present why I still believe that Permaculture must be the future of agriculture.plain2020-11-30T12:21:27-08:0040.8447819, -73.8648268Likhita Sureshfa36a2f3506609c5e2c064df653783c84fd35c54
The fundamental values of Confucianism, Taoism, and Legalism vary drastically from one another, as do their approach toward education. Confucianism grounds its beliefs in Humanism, highlighting the importance of being a morally "superior man," developed through continued access to education. Taoism encourages non-interference of the natural order of life, meaning that education should be through "doing" and experiencing rather than studying. The strict laws of Legalism demand the rejection of formal education altogether. This paper explores how the fundamental philosophical values influence the thought systems’ attitudes toward education, and examines the benefits and drawbacks of each.plain2020-11-30T11:36:56-08:001.352083, 103.819836Mary Traester3c331c166c8b71380909665f15205b660b1b9c2b
My essay explores the development of an artistic movement that originated in France, with the intention of depicting nature truthfully. Gustav Courbet's paintings were at the forefront of this movement, while Charles Baudelaire and Champfleury were art critics who promoted the ideologies of Realism. A Burial at Ornans captures the mourning of a villager's demise, as members from different strata of society gather for the religious traditions. However, to intrinsically showcase ordinary subject matter, the genre painting defies the conventions established by the authorities.plain2020-11-30T11:23:14-08:0046.227638, 2.213749Mary Traester3c331c166c8b71380909665f15205b660b1b9c2b
An analysis of the role of female characters in Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness.plain2020-11-30T11:26:35-08:0037.09024, -95.712891Mary Traester3c331c166c8b71380909665f15205b660b1b9c2b
12020-11-09T10:21:31-08:00Curtis Fletcher3225f3b99ebb95ebd811595627293f68f680673eMoods of My Days8By Aristotle Hartzell
This is an excerpt collage of my photo-notebook assignment for Motion Picture Cinematography. We had to take around 30 photos with prompts about lighting, camera angles, color and various other aspects of photography. I chose these five as I feel they remind me of the last few months starting college online: Contemplating, looking through my childhood home, staying up late, and going on weekend excursions.plain2020-11-30T12:28:56-08:0033.6594835, -117.9988026Likhita Sureshfa36a2f3506609c5e2c064df653783c84fd35c54
12020-11-13T12:03:15-08:00Likhita Sureshfa36a2f3506609c5e2c064df653783c84fd35c54Major8By Victoria Frank
This creative piece was created for the class The Art of Poetry taught by Professor Christopher Freeman with the prompt of writing a poem incorporating the rhetorical mode of comparing and contrasting. It explores one of my challenges this year, which was starting to choose a major or general educational path as a freshman, as referred to in the line “a major decision.” The two options I compared and contrasted through this abstract lyrical poem are committing to my passion for arts and creative writing or my pull to social justice and public policy. Humanist tendencies heavily influence my collegiate career, but the way in which I approach these interests is unclear. I question whether devoting such valuable years to myself or to others is the right approach to life. Growing up in a time where the future is more daunting than ever, maximizing my time and my privilege to access higher education weighs on my shoulders. While I since have discovered there are ways to incorporate both passions, this poem reflects on a period of great uncertainty that may resonate with other students.plain2020-11-30T12:34:30-08:0037.09024, -95.712891Likhita Sureshfa36a2f3506609c5e2c064df653783c84fd35c54
This video is a combined project of musical arranging, recording, and editing done completely by myself (excluding a separate person on guitar). I specifically chose "Time Warp" from The Rocky Horror Picture Show because of my love for the movie and the Halloween season.plain2020-11-30T12:29:36-08:0037.09024, -95.712891Likhita Sureshfa36a2f3506609c5e2c064df653783c84fd35c54
Orientalism is a heuristic that helps one understand how power works in a cultural sphere such as novels or artwork. Saidean Orientalism helps us to map how the relationships between economic, historical and political context, forms of valuation, and power dynamics shape not only the context of art but what was deemed as art in British India, and how this continues to seep into societal values and interactions today. In my essay, I unpack through Orientalism how the British employed colonial art to document the Indian natural world and project white saviorism, categorize South Asians to facilitate colonization and impose the European imagination, and influence coveted Indian artists and the representation of their cities.plain2020-11-30T11:27:25-08:001.352083, 103.819836Mary Traester3c331c166c8b71380909665f15205b660b1b9c2b
12020-11-15T09:20:20-08:00Likhita Sureshfa36a2f3506609c5e2c064df653783c84fd35c54Cliffs over Manzanita8By Adam Beattie
For my GESM 120 OnBeauty I was tasked with writing about a specific place or moment in time whose beauty affected me. I decided to write about a view from cliffs along 101 in Oregon. In my paper I go into detail about what this place and view means to me.plain2020-11-30T12:24:40-08:0045.7184398, -123.9351354Likhita Sureshfa36a2f3506609c5e2c064df653783c84fd35c54
As a scholastic journalist for my high school career and a current copy editor for the Daily Trojan, I have a strong affinity for storytelling through writing, photography, graphic design, and any medium in between. I believe that being able to arrest an audience’s attention by melding objectivity and subjectivity together is the mark of an artist — and that’s what journalists and artists ultimately seek to accomplish. As a feature and longform writer, I struggled to navigate the demarcation between my writing style and the truthful delivery of the subjects that I write about. In writing this analytical essay, I found myself fighting for my own identity as both an artist and storyteller through my analysis of the technical and theoretical dimensions of photography. My essay argues against art critic Charles Baudelaire and explores the indexical relationship of a photo to its subject in more depth.plain2020-11-30T11:33:53-08:0037.09024, -95.712891Mary Traester3c331c166c8b71380909665f15205b660b1b9c2b
This essay explores the presence of white privilege in the criminal justice system within the United States, specifically in relation to sentencing practices and incarceration rates. The piece examines racial disparity in this context through specific examples as well as wider statistics and existing works on white privilege.plain2020-11-30T11:42:07-08:0043.1586785999999, -76.3327094999999Mary Traester3c331c166c8b71380909665f15205b660b1b9c2b
12020-11-15T09:48:27-08:00Likhita Sureshfa36a2f3506609c5e2c064df653783c84fd35c54May I Have Your Passport8By Fethi Yasar
I told personal stories, memories, or vignettes that I had experienced, I am experiencing, and I will be experiencing in relation to what James Baldwin had gone through in Istanbul.plain2020-11-30T12:25:10-08:0041.0082376, 28.9783589Likhita Sureshfa36a2f3506609c5e2c064df653783c84fd35c54
This short story was a piece I completed for my Freshman Seminar. The goal of the assignment was to change the point of view of a well-known story. I decided to recreate “The Tortoise and the Hare” from the perspective of Timmy, an insecure tortoise. Timmy is extremely pessimistic because he knows better than anyone that tortoises are slow and unlikely to win a race against a hare. However, he ultimately finds inspiration in Tortoise’s unexpected win. I was inspired by children’s books and the original fable. I feel this story aligns with their messages and simplicity.plain2020-11-30T12:31:22-08:0034.0522342, -118.2436849Likhita Sureshfa36a2f3506609c5e2c064df653783c84fd35c54
12020-11-13T12:35:54-08:00Likhita Sureshfa36a2f3506609c5e2c064df653783c84fd35c54Leading by Example8By Caleb Langley
An essay I wrote for EALC 350: Chinese Civilization explaining the Confucian idea of leading/ruling by example, describes the Legalist critique of this, and answers whether or not I believe that the concept of leading by example holds any validity in the world today.plain2020-11-30T11:44:28-08:0032.715738, -117.1610838Mary Traester3c331c166c8b71380909665f15205b660b1b9c2b
Moving is a form of communication. It is a way to express, to say words that aren't in the dictionary. In my piece I explore what I've come to learn as "grey dialect." It describes those words that say more than what English can. I hope to expand this concept through works like such.plain2020-11-30T12:27:11-08:0041.8054640999999, -87.6087637999999Likhita Sureshfa36a2f3506609c5e2c064df653783c84fd35c54
Should health decisions should be left solely up to individuals? This paper will focus specifically on smoking regarding the ethical implications of prioritizing individuals over the public. Although individual values of freedom are important, paternalism promotes just health outcomes by offering solutions to self-control problems. There are three central claims focused on addressing this debate: intervention, constant vigilance, and subjective health values. Drawing from psychology and philosophy, I discuss the extent of paternalism and autonomy adequately intervening in decisions to smoke, analyzing the role of objective values against subjective beliefs in health decisions.plain2020-11-30T11:30:21-08:0037.566535, 126.9779692Curtis Fletcher3225f3b99ebb95ebd811595627293f68f680673e
12020-11-15T09:22:50-08:00Likhita Sureshfa36a2f3506609c5e2c064df653783c84fd35c54The Spanish Conquer Mexico (Again)7By Alfonso Aguilar Vazquez
Why did the Spanish show Money Heist became so popular in Mexico? I argue that the show managed to connect with the anti-systemic and anti-capitalistic feelings present in Mexico when the show was released. The show made audiences subconsciously support its anti-systemic message through its suspenseful scenes, strong female characters, and idea of going "from rags to riches" also present in popular Mexican telenovelas. I expand on the implications that the popularity of such anti-systemic shows and films could have, as they increase disappointment in the government and boost acceptance of anti-systemic criminal organizations, that could lead to these criminal organizations taking away power and legitimacy from governments, an issue countries will have to closely monitor.plain2020-11-30T11:31:42-08:0019.4326077, -99.133208Mary Traester3c331c166c8b71380909665f15205b660b1b9c2b
A letter from my forty-year-old self from the year 2042 addressed to my eighteen-year-old self in the year 2020 right now. In it, future me offers solicitude and support to get through this current pandemic (and all-around difficult year) by offering a story with common underlying themes. The story is essentially a true retelling of my parents’ life and a bit of my own -- from their disadvantaged and impoverished upbringing in the slums of postwar Vietnam to me now attending one of the top schools in the United States on a scholarship. Future me wraps up the letter by applying the themes of my parents' story and my own to the broader tale of humanity -- themes like family, community, hope, and persistence. I postulate that the will to persist is not just a feel-good sentiment. It's a responsibility we have to ourselves and each other. And through that responsibility, we unlock the courage to turn hardship into story, just like this letter does.plain2020-11-30T12:23:08-08:0037.3382082, -121.8863286Likhita Sureshfa36a2f3506609c5e2c064df653783c84fd35c54
My paper focuses on my personal role as a witness and activist in my own community. From volunteering with the Newark Water Coalition to protesting for Black Lives Matter, it has been incredibly important that I remain involved in my community and to use my own voice. I also evaluate the role of James Baldwin as both a witness and an activist during his time and the foundation is has laid for present-day activists, like me. It is of undying importance that we record what we bear witness to and to reclaim our narratives.plain2020-11-30T11:22:12-08:0040.735657, -74.1723667Curtis Fletcher3225f3b99ebb95ebd811595627293f68f680673e
In my essay, I explore how Spirited Away, a Japanese film, appeals to an American audience through an analysis of the film’s portrayal of capitalism.plain2020-11-30T11:32:27-08:0034.0522342, -118.2436849Mary Traester3c331c166c8b71380909665f15205b660b1b9c2b
Indigenous peoples—disadvantaged, marginalized, and abused—can be found disjointed and without formal government representation in every corner of the world. The Bishop Estate of the Kamehameha Schools is a unique institution that possesses both the jurisdiction and the financial means, through its vast land holdings and investments, to unite their sole beneficiaries, the Native Hawaiians. Numerous antitrust lawsuits and board-member scandals that have racked the institution in the past few decades raise the concern of how to ensure proper governance and representation for its native peoples. I explore both past and recent controversies surrounding this case through the voices of scholars, columnists, and jurists who offer varying criticisms on the institution. Nevertheless, I hope to also explore the bigger picture behind the Estate itself and why its survival and integrity is so crucial for the people of Hawaii.plain2020-11-30T11:40:01-08:0021.3069444, -157.8583333Mary Traester3c331c166c8b71380909665f15205b660b1b9c2b
12020-11-14T17:35:51-08:00Mary Traester3c331c166c8b71380909665f15205b660b1b9c2bWho I Am7By Hulbert Nguyen Dang
A personal narrative of a speaker's experience in the park.plain2020-11-30T12:23:38-08:0033.8120918, -117.9189742Likhita Sureshfa36a2f3506609c5e2c064df653783c84fd35c54
Film studies paper examining the actress Florence Pugh's performance in the film Midsommar and how it reflects the nuances of her twisted character arc.plain2020-11-30T11:33:07-08:0036.1699412, -115.1398296Mary Traester3c331c166c8b71380909665f15205b660b1b9c2b
12020-11-13T11:55:52-08:00Likhita Sureshfa36a2f3506609c5e2c064df653783c84fd35c54With the Loud Blue Light,7By Tiffany Yiji Yoon
The screenplay presents life in “home sweet home” amidst the pandemic while Maggie, a 19-year-old college student, has to balance her life at odds with nature. Juxtaposing Maggie’s friendly banters with the cold interactions with her family questions the face-valued simplicity of learning apart. With only an electronic device and the Internet, you’re connected to a world bigger than the one you inhabit. But at what cost does that come? Having the choice and the desire can be the difference that costs one their sanity: as Maggie’s brother Max cannot be separated from his phone, what would Maggie do to get out of the technology waves that surround her? Or is she now dependent on her new lifestyle with screens as her newly found family?plain2020-11-30T12:30:44-08:0037.566535, 126.9779692Likhita Sureshfa36a2f3506609c5e2c064df653783c84fd35c54
I explore the use of the psychological concept informational influence in the show Nathan For You. I examine the episode titled "The Movement" where Nathan convinces people to do free manual labor by making them think they are getting a great workout.plain2020-11-30T11:34:30-08:0038.5449065, -121.7405167Mary Traester3c331c166c8b71380909665f15205b660b1b9c2b
12020-11-15T09:31:01-08:00Likhita Sureshfa36a2f3506609c5e2c064df653783c84fd35c54My Dent in the Universe7By Michelle Li
This is a collection of 5 poems regarding my experiences and emotions as an 18 year old during a global pandemic.plain2020-11-30T12:32:34-08:0037.8271784, -122.2913078Likhita Sureshfa36a2f3506609c5e2c064df653783c84fd35c54
12020-11-14T17:40:21-08:00Mary Traester3c331c166c8b71380909665f15205b660b1b9c2bSpecial Childhood Place7By Jack Martino A short paper about the first time ever my grandfather, father, and I won't share a Labor Day Weekend sunset together.plain2020-11-30T12:26:32-08:0034.0522342, -118.2436849Likhita Sureshfa36a2f3506609c5e2c064df653783c84fd35c54
Students from a lower socioeconomic background face an uphill struggle early in our educational system and experience inequities in ways that are often not considered. The educational divide has become even more prominent with the recent Coronavirus pandemic. Throughout my essay, I discuss the importance of education in our society, and how we must recognize the problems that contribute to the inequities in our education system. It is critical to recognize these issues because it is only in that way will we have an opportunity to break the cycle of inequities of education resulting from socioeconomic differences.plain2020-11-30T11:36:01-08:0036.7377981, -119.7871247Mary Traester3c331c166c8b71380909665f15205b660b1b9c2b
This work presents a series of poems about how quarantine and social distance learning has impacted not only my education and my lifestyle, but also my mentality and my perspective on things.plain2020-11-30T12:33:35-08:0034.0522342, -118.2436849Likhita Sureshfa36a2f3506609c5e2c064df653783c84fd35c54
12020-11-14T17:19:14-08:00Mary Traester3c331c166c8b71380909665f15205b660b1b9c2bWhere Did Simplicity Go?7By ToriAnn Abe
This collection of poetry is inspired by the many themes of 2020, including family time, political messiness, and a reconsideration of values. Because we are learning apart from each other due to the pandemic, the poems also discuss the role of school in the "grand scheme of life." Among many other reactions, I miss feeling connected to people. These poems are an attempt to make sense of the complicated, even if it might be impossible. If nothing else, I hope to have acknowledged what I’ve observed as this year’s chaos and to have brought some sense of beauty to light.plain2020-11-30T12:34:01-08:0021.3069444, -157.8583333Likhita Sureshfa36a2f3506609c5e2c064df653783c84fd35c54
I am a Freshman Pop Music Producer who wants to minor in Songwriting, and for Songwriting 1, I wrote and recorded this song.plain2020-11-25T18:05:54-08:0032.3182314, -86.902298Mary Traester3c331c166c8b71380909665f15205b660b1b9c2b
An unusual ode to the Kebab, my writing project is a deep analysis of the Turkish delicacy, its appealing traits and its ever-changing symbolism. I begin by outlining an authentic Kebab experience, highlighting how integral it is to British society. I then go onto explain the three main "appeals" of the dish: it is an amplification of the British palate, its individualistic creation that rejects class hierarchies by bringing power to the minority, and the community it fosters. Throughout, I deeply examine the other debates surrounding this seemingly obstinate dish - Is the Kebab even Turkish? What the deeper implication of cultural culinary adaptation? Has the Kebab evolved into a sinister symbol of Islamisation?plain2020-11-30T11:45:56-08:0051.5073509, -0.1277583Mary Traester3c331c166c8b71380909665f15205b660b1b9c2b
Fair play theory’s appeal lies in its supposed ability to explain political obligation without the problems that arise when relying on consent to ground that obligation. However, I aim to show that the fair play account does not succeed in providing a distinct basis for political obligation, as it relies upon consent. I examine several illustrative variations of Robert Nozick’s neighborhood example to demonstrate that in each case, the presence or absence of consent aligns with our intuitive conclusions about the respective presence or absence of obligation. I find that fair play fails to provide an account of obligation (including political obligation) that provides a useful alternative to consent. Consent remains the driving force behind “fair play” obligations.plain2020-11-30T11:27:09-08:0047.6062095, -122.3320708Curtis Fletcher3225f3b99ebb95ebd811595627293f68f680673e
My work looks into what could have happened if Japan had decided to help Germany in their attack of Russia instead of attacking Pearl Harbor. A lot would have changed, and the reason for Japan deciding to attack Russia: Secretary of State Hull does not fall ill. This piece of work analyzes how easily history could have played out so differently and in doing so, investigates what could have happened and why it could have happened.plain2020-11-30T11:46:37-08:0051.5073509, -0.1277583Mary Traester3c331c166c8b71380909665f15205b660b1b9c2b
12020-11-14T15:52:26-08:00Mary Traester3c331c166c8b71380909665f15205b660b1b9c2bLetter to Isolation6By Michaela Balogun
This is a collection of poems which I began writing at the beginning of lockdown, as being stuck at home forced me to inspect myself and the impact I have on the world around me. The main themes of my poem are individual growth, relationships and reflection.plain2020-11-30T12:34:58-08:0055.378051, -3.435973Likhita Sureshfa36a2f3506609c5e2c064df653783c84fd35c54
12020-11-14T17:43:45-08:00Mary Traester3c331c166c8b71380909665f15205b660b1b9c2bThe More Things Change6By Kenly Burton
This essay describes the evolution and democratization of dating in part due to the compression of space and time as well as the feminist movement. However, though dating has changed much in the past 100 years, this essay delves into how there's always going to be social hierarchies much like there were in the past.plain2020-11-30T11:47:21-08:0041.6032207, -73.087749Mary Traester3c331c166c8b71380909665f15205b660b1b9c2b
Chinese international students have wrong image in their home country due to media misrepresentation: they are sometimes depicted as rich, lazy kids who study abroad to dodge Gaokao (Chinese college entrance examination). This wrong image leads to unwise decisions of higher education destinations among new students, disrespect to efforts of current students, and mass insult online during the pandemic. This paper analyzes this media misrepresentation, its causes and consequences, and what is hoped to change.plain2020-11-30T11:48:02-08:0029.868336, 121.54399Mary Traester3c331c166c8b71380909665f15205b660b1b9c2b
I discussed current events that have had an effect on me and approached this through an angle questioning the causes of human actions. I tied in my personal experiences as well as a poem that I read for my GESM 110 class.plain2020-11-30T11:28:51-08:0037.09024, -95.712891Curtis Fletcher3225f3b99ebb95ebd811595627293f68f680673e
As race is a widely debated topic with so many nuances and gray areas, this essay is my take on what race truly is. In short, I believe that race is a social construct created by man in order to justify the countless injustices and crimes committed to different peoples throughout the ages. I analyze the historical roots of race, focusing most specifically on America's relationship with race, and how Americans seem to use and perpetuate this concept to justify the genocide of Native Americans, slavery, exclusion, and more.plain2020-11-30T11:42:50-08:0037.09024, -95.712891Mary Traester3c331c166c8b71380909665f15205b660b1b9c2b
12020-11-14T16:31:23-08:00Mary Traester3c331c166c8b71380909665f15205b660b1b9c2bChildren of the Talented Tenth6By Amina Shafeek-Horton
How specific aspects of upper class Black students' life experience shape the way they approach formal education.plain2020-11-30T11:48:45-08:0035.2270869, -80.8431267Mary Traester3c331c166c8b71380909665f15205b660b1b9c2b
12020-11-13T12:10:16-08:00Likhita Sureshfa36a2f3506609c5e2c064df653783c84fd35c54Red6By Yi-Ann Li
Learning apart, away from my peers and in the secluded little corner in my bedroom, has given me a lot of time to reflect on my past as I enter a new chapter of my life. In the moments I spent alone, even if in front of a Zoom call of one hundred people, I found myself living between the feelings of isolation and cultural struggles I faced from my youth until now. Being a second-generation Asian American who grew up in a predominantly white community, I felt torn between trying to fit into American culture at school and hanging onto the Chinese culture of my roots. The alienation I suffered as a result of trying to balance the two feels awfully familiar to the isolation I felt in these past few months, as I struggled to organize my life and find friends. I tell the story of how it felt to lose a part of myself in my inter-cultural struggles, just like how I feel like I’ve lost a part of my life in these unexpected times as I try to find a community of my own through Zoom calls and Instagram DMs at USC.plain2020-11-30T12:25:54-08:0034.0522342, -118.2436849Likhita Sureshfa36a2f3506609c5e2c064df653783c84fd35c54
This paper discusses the implications of coercive paternalism and its role in fast food. More specifically, it addresses the fast-food ban in South LA in 2008 to first clear up any misinterpretations with the ban and its true intentions, then talk about the implications of race and social class in the ban, and finally how we can supplement the ban and put society on a path to healthier eating. The main research objective is to determine the extent to which government intervention is needed when it comes to protecting one’s health.plain2020-11-30T11:19:58-08:0034.1380461, -118.0448898Curtis Fletcher3225f3b99ebb95ebd811595627293f68f680673e
A collection of poems inspired by the emotions I experienced in quarantine, and my desire to be heard, seen, and felt in an increasingly chaotic and isolating world. The idea of the personal and the political, and becoming a witness of change is addressed throughout this collection with a brief reflection and interjections of playwright Tony Kushner's essay "Notes About Political Theatre."plain2020-11-30T12:33:07-08:0034.0522342, -118.2436849Likhita Sureshfa36a2f3506609c5e2c064df653783c84fd35c54
Vuong's poem "Telemachus" tells the tale of a young boy traveling through the proposed Kubler-Ross 5 stages of grief, which are denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance, as a result of his father's death. These 5 stages serve as a rite of passage for a young boy to transition into adulthood and face the world with its hardships just as his father had done.plain2020-11-30T11:20:37-08:0033.8710729, -117.8627548Mary Traester3c331c166c8b71380909665f15205b660b1b9c2b
Doping in sports has become increasingly prevalent at the professional and international level, and strict measures have been put in place to prevent this form of cheating. However, aside from affecting individual competitions, what are the widespread and deeper effects that doping has on all sports? This paper analyzes how doping hurts and ruins the inherent value of sports on the amateur and professional level, arguing against recent pushes to legalize performance enhancing drugs. I draw on the works of the philosophers Peter Singer and Julian Savulescu to prove that sports are not just about winning, but rather self-growth, enjoyment, and teamwork. Finally, I propose a solution that can potentially remove doping from sports all together, a solution that involves the audience rather than the athletes.plain2020-11-30T11:29:40-08:0041.6032207, -73.087749Curtis Fletcher3225f3b99ebb95ebd811595627293f68f680673e
12020-11-15T09:49:49-08:00Likhita Sureshfa36a2f3506609c5e2c064df653783c84fd35c54Aren't We All Witnesses?6By Abhijay Raj Paturi
My piece is titled “Aren’t we all witnesses?” The hope is for readers, like yourselves, to better understand how to respond to this question in the title. The inspiration for this piece was Professor Mullins and her TA Anna, who teach the GSEM 110 class, Poem, Plays, and Politics. In this class, we have focused our discussions on defining who a witness is through the works of James Baldwin. In doing so, I was able to further reflect upon my choice to act when I learned of my friend’s suicide. The piece begins and ends with my inner thoughts, some of which that pertain to our current lockdown experience, specifically the repetitive nature of each day. I’ve also lost friends and family to COVID-19 like millions of others. We are all currently witnesses to preventable death, especially those due to racial injustice. My goal with this piece is to inspire even one reader to wholeheartedly fulfill their role as a witness.plain2020-11-30T11:20:49-08:0037.09024, -95.712891Curtis Fletcher3225f3b99ebb95ebd811595627293f68f680673e
Being an international student, everything I’ve known about American criminal law has come from TV shows like Criminal Minds or How to Get Away with Murder. However, I took the opportunity to learn more about criminal law in the United States through the GE seminar “Language, Law, and Literature.” We responded to the 2008 Ainsworth article on the invocation of one’s Miranda rights, which I initially wrongly assumed to be a simple matter. In fact, there are very specific linguistic requirements that have to be met for arrestees to properly invoke their rights. However, these specific requirements and the power imbalance between law enforcement personnel and the citizen make it difficult for arrestees to actually invoke their rights. Meanwhile, there are a vast amount of ways for an arrestee to waive their Miranda rights. The exposure to this new knowledge has pushed me to reconsider everything I’ve learned through entertainment media and question how the current legal system can be made more just.plain2020-11-30T11:45:07-08:0025.0329694, 121.5654177Mary Traester3c331c166c8b71380909665f15205b660b1b9c2b
12020-11-15T09:15:38-08:00Likhita Sureshfa36a2f3506609c5e2c064df653783c84fd35c54Penang: The Pearl of the Orient6By Yee Young Cher (YY)
My work is a creative piece based on DJ Waldie's Holy Land. In my GESM 120 class LA stories with Christopher Edward Freeman, I aim to emulate Waldie' style of using stories, statistics, and photos to bring the reader closer into the world of LA and its history, and here I am doing the same but for my hometown of Penang, Malaysia. I included personal stories, Malay words, more serious topics, and a general mix of what constitutes my hometown. It is essentially a small but meaningful sample of my life in Penang, made for presentation to someone who is unfamiliar with Penang or Malaysia as a whole.plain2020-11-30T12:22:18-08:005.41413069999999, 100.3287506Likhita Sureshfa36a2f3506609c5e2c064df653783c84fd35c54
In my work, I explore how paternalism is justified when making decisions about health. My main points are that paternalism leads us to make better decisions for ourselves and that paternalism is especially important among health professionals because their decisions will impact the public. Ultimately, I argue in favor of soft paternalism specifically, which works on a basis of respect and compassion for others.plain2020-11-30T11:17:25-08:0040.7607793, -111.8910474Curtis Fletcher3225f3b99ebb95ebd811595627293f68f680673e
12020-11-15T09:47:15-08:00Likhita Sureshfa36a2f3506609c5e2c064df653783c84fd35c54A Global Circus5By Conner Kojima
My paper inspects the rising popularity of flat earth views in order to reveal insights about the broader nature of globalism.plain2020-11-30T11:43:45-08:0021.4389123, -158.0000565Mary Traester3c331c166c8b71380909665f15205b660b1b9c2b
I associated this untouchable box with politics because politics has a ways been a topic that individuals avoid discussing because it is too controversial. The writers that we studied in class are amongst the few that took on the moral responsibility to express the political climate of their time. I included the works Carolyn Forche and Claudia Rankine as well as encounter I have faces as a person of color in Los Angeles to support my analysis.plain2020-11-30T11:26:21-08:0033.9891116, -118.2914872Curtis Fletcher3225f3b99ebb95ebd811595627293f68f680673e