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Why did the Spanish show Money Heist became so popular in Mexico? I argue that the show managed to connect with the anti-systemic and anti-capitalistic feelings present in Mexico when the show was released. The show made audiences subconsciously support its anti-systemic message through its suspenseful scenes, strong female characters, and idea of going "from rags to riches" also present in popular Mexican telenovelas. I expand on the implications that the popularity of such anti-systemic shows and films could have, as they increase disappointment in the government and boost acceptance of anti-systemic criminal organizations, that could lead to these criminal organizations taking away power and legitimacy from governments, an issue countries will have to closely monitor.plain2020-11-30T11:31:42-08:0019.4326077, -99.133208
Alfonso Aguilar Vazquez
Why did the Spanish show Money Heist became so popular in Mexico? I argue that the show managed to connect with the anti-systemic and anti-capitalistic feelings present in Mexico when the show was released. The show made audiences subconsciously support its anti-systemic message through its suspenseful scenes, strong female characters, and idea of going "from rags to riches" also present in popular Mexican telenovelas. I expand on the implications that the popularity of such anti-systemic shows and films could have, as they increase disappointment in the government and boost acceptance of anti-systemic criminal organizations, that could lead to these criminal organizations taking away power and legitimacy from governments, an issue countries will have to closely monitor.