Dr. Theodore Hsi-en Chen (1902-1991): Chinese American Education Pioneer and Founder of East Asian Studies at USC


Dr. Chen and his wife Wen-Hui Chung Chen wrote 國語讀本 (Elementary Chinese Reader and Grammar) in dedication to their two American-born daughters, Ching (Helen) and Ying. It was used as a textbook in the Chinese class at USC in the 1940s. According to the preface, “The first three editions of this text were produced by the Mimeograph Office of the University of Southern California in two separate volumes for the use of [Dr. Chen’s] class on campus. … it is now made available for public use” (iii).

This book, though used for “elementary” level, includes extensive comparisons between Chinese and American history, culture, and society--comparable to the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) advanced-mid to advanced-high level of Chinese language competence.
Select pages from the book

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