This page was created by Ryan Carter. 

OLD Art in an Early Global World at WAM: A WAM/College of the Holy Cross Collaboration

The Adoration of the Kings: What does this tell us about the medieval globe?

Ryan Carter, Class of 2025, College of the Holy Cross

This painting asks viewers to think of the connections created not just through the religious aspect of the painting but through the style of painting as well. Although this painting was made during the onset of the Renaissance period, the work itself did not reflect the style or influence of the Renaissance. 

The painting itself is a scene packed with activity and detail that not only represents spatial logic but one that conveys a narrative. The vibrant colors are a result of the egg tempera method of painting which involves mixing the yolk of an egg with bright pigment. Yet during the Renaissance period the popularity of oil painting was rising and tempera painting was becoming obsolete. The International Gothic style that Nelli was so fond of was also declining in popularity with the new style of Renaissance painting becoming the dominant style. 


However,  when commissioned by a powerful family to adorn the palace chapel Nelli continued to utilize the International Gothic Style and tempera painting technique. The International Gothic Style was created in France and rapidly spread throughout Western Europe. This one style of art was able to connect the French to the Spanish, Italians, Portuguese, Germans, Romanians and more. Furthermore, egg tempera painting was originally developed in ancient Egypt and eventually spread to the Greeks, Romans and throughout all of Europe. While Nelli’s painting at first attracts the eye of a Christian viewer it actually establishes a much deeper connection. This painting should encourage viewers not just to think about the subject of the painting and its connections but how the style and technique used to craft paintings can establish new and interesting connections that may not previously be understood and how those connections can further our understanding of the medieval globe in a new way. 

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