TEI Text Encoding: A FairCopy User Guide for COVE

Start Encoding Text

After importing a text into FairCopy, it’s time to start encoding.

Step 1: Insert a div Element

Your first step should always be to add a div element inside the main body element. Div elements mark the different sections of a text. A short text like a poem may have only one div, while a novel will have a div for each chapter and a long essay with section headers will have a div for each section.

Step 2: Fill out TEI Header Info

Each TEI Document you create is automatically populated with a TEI Header file. Each TEI Header should contain the following metadata: author, title, publisher, date, availability, and source. Use the format shown here:To achieve the format shown above, you will need to drag-and-drop elements from the Element Palette. You can find the elements you need for TEI Headers in the Element Palette under "File (Header)."

Step 3: Format Title and Byline

Enter the title of the work in a element in the first line of the text document (which is housed within the TEI document). Enter the rend value "h4 center" to give it the centered Heading 4 style.

Enter the author's name in a element directly following the title. Enter the rend value "h5 center" to give it the centered Heading 5 style.

Step 4: Divide the Text into Sections with Div Elements

Separate longer texts (such as novels or long essays) into more easily navigable sections by splitting your div element into multiple div elements.

Step 5: Continue Encoding

After you’ve inserted your first div element and filled out your TEI Header information, continue encoding by formatting the text, creating a table of contents, adding images, and more. Learn how to use these features using the Text Encoding Index.

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