TEI Text Encoding: A FairCopy User Guide for COVE

Navigating the FairCopy Interface

Local/Remote Screens and Checking Out Resources from the Corpus

If you require access to the COVE Corpus (for COVE RAs, etc.), you will need to navigate between the Local and Remote screens in FairCopy.

If you are not working with the COVE Corpus, you will work only with the Local screen. Skip this section and proceed to Importing a Text to FairCopy.

1. Once you have entered COVE Corpus, you will see the Local Screen. The Local screen displays files you have “checked out” from the COVE Corpus.
2. Click the house icon next to Local to toggle to Remote mode, which will allow you to access files on the remote server.

3. To “check out” a file, select the checkbox next to the title of the resource you want to access, and then click Actions. Select Check Out from the dropdown menu.4. Click OK to confirm your checked out resources.
5. Click the cloud icon next to Remote to toggle back to the Local screen.
6. The checked-out resource now appears on your Local screen.
Click the name of the resource to open it. Inside, you will find two items: the text file and the TEI Header. The TEI Header contains the text’s metadata. The text file contains the text content of the file.
When you have finished working on a resource, you must check it back in to the Remote server to make it available to others. Checking a resource in does not publish it to COVE; it simply makes the resource available to your team members using FairCopy.

To check a resource back in, select the checkbox next to the title of the resource you want to access, and then click Actions. Select Check In from the dropdown menu.
Enter a note describing the changes you made to the resource in the “Commit Message” field, and then click CHECK IN to check the resource in.
​​​​Click DONE to confirm check-in.


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