Survival of the Fittest?

An exploration of language, civic imagination and the nurturing of socio-ecological progress.

Abstract: Social interactions are informed by hyper-attentiveness to competitive dynamics, inherently overlooking the immense prevalence and evolutionary role of symbiosis and partnership. Are we selling ourselves short? In a biosphere marked by complex interdependencies, there are immense collaborative potentials of human relationships with one another and with the environment in which they form part. Embedding both political and media-scapes with ecological principles and democratizing civic imagination has the ability to nurture greater civic engagement by sowing rather than eroding social cohesion. By crafting two alternate scenarios via soundscapes, the project offered participants the ability to directly experience the impacts of external conditions on their decision-making in real-time and exposed the capability of repetitive narratives and auditory stimuli to affect one’s capacity to collaboratively create.


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