Agency, Voice, and the Evolution (AVE) of Women at Saint Mary’s, 1920-2023: Spring 2023

Reflecting on the Past, Nyhuis

In January 2021, I decided to attend Saint Mary’s College for the next four years. Saint Mary’s College offered me an environment emphasizing high education, values, and safety that many of my nearby colleges did not. When I visited campus, I felt like I was at home and that I was able to grow educationally and spiritually at this college. From then on I have never looked back.

Although I knew Saint Mary’s College was for me, I realized the first semester that I had no background on what Saint Mary’s College really was besides what admission advisors and tours told me. The first week I was commonly asked “Why did you choose Saint Mary’s College?,” and I quickly named many values and feelings I had picked up on from the first time I was there. I continued to feel disconnected when my peers commented back that they chose Saint Mary’s College because “my mom / sister / or aunt went here,” “my parents met at Notre Dame,” “I have always been a Notre Dame fan,” and my favorite, “I couldn’t get into Notre Dame.” But in my case, I never knew what Saint Mary’s College was until a flyer ended up in my mailbox in West Michigan. Not that any of those answers were invalid, but I felt that I may have chosen a college that wasn’t for me. I was not a Notre Dame fan, I am not Catholic, and I am not a legacy. I chose Saint Mary’s College for its prestige and sisterhood. 

Now, Spring of 2023, I decided to take Digital Humanities as a Sophia because I thought it was more creative than other offered literature courses. I am so glad I did. I have learned so much and appreciate the opportunity to explore the Archives of Saint Mary’s College. The history of Saint Mary’s College is astonishing, and I feel proud to be living in it. Since 1844, Saint Mary’s College has blessed many young women with higher education and a place to call home. Somedays may feel monotonous, but the College holds a great history that still needs to be uncovered. Since working in the Saint Mary’s College Archives, I have opened up artifacts that make me happy, angry, and proud to be a Saint Mary’s College student. I have found the importance of archival research and materials and understand the need to preserve this rich history. Lastly, I feel more connected to Saint Mary’s College through this research and firmly believe that I am here for a reason. 

I took on the task of analyzing the scrapbook of Mary Emmons Wilcox from the 1920s. I have always been drawn to photography, and when I saw the pictures of Saint Mary’s College back then, I instantly felt connected with this past student. From the scrapbook, I noticed that Wilcox was a social butterfly and had a heck of a time at dances. Her scrapbook spilled out with memories and photographs. Some photographs were candid and others posed. She felt so real and relatable. I enjoyed seeing the outfits of the 20s and realizing that Saint Mary’s College did indeed exist in a time that seems so long ago to me. 

This class has given me a greater appreciation for preserving history. I gained so much knowledge from working in the archives. Since I had no abundant knowledge of Saint Mary’s College's history, I had no idea the University of Notre Dame and Saint Mary’s College were considering merging in the 1970s. I had no idea how far our connection with Notre Dame went. I had no idea of the sneaky moves that have been made in the past. But now that I know, I want others to know too. I think it is super important to learn from the past and see how you've grown. Specifically, with an institution, I enjoyed comparing and contrasting how Saint Mary’s College has changed, yet held onto its firm values of women empowerment. My eyes have been opened to what the past of Saint Mary’s College has done for us to be the institution we are today.

Not only is it important to learn from the past, but also to understand that as a Saint Mary’s College student, I am making history. As we were analyzing the artifacts, I found myself thinking “I wonder what students will think of us in 100 years?” But then I realized that we need to get preserving and document our experience so that they can do what we are doing. My relationship as a student at Saint Mary’s College has grown through our research. The more I have learned, the more I have fallen in love with the college's firm values of empowering women. The number of years Saint Mary’s College has upheld these traditions make me feel that what they are doing is what women need. 

The dense history causes me to appreciate each step I take on campus and increased my ability to participate in the memories that many before me have already made. I wish I could thank Mary Emmons Wilcox for creating her scrapbook. She helped me feel connected to a school I once had no ties to except for the need for a better education. I see the importance of preserving the past and doing it now so we do not lose it. Those who work in the archives do the best they can to preserve what they are given, but they first need to be given the artifacts. I find myself inspired to leave my mark and history at Saint Mary’s College. I hope someday to compile all of my memorabilia to show others my Saint Mary’s College experience. 

Kaylen Nyhuis
Statistical and Actuarial Math Major

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