Agency, Voice, and the Evolution (AVE) of Women at Saint Mary’s, 1920-2023: Spring 2023

Reflecting on the Present, Taskey

The memories of shared experiences are some of the most cherished among students at Saint Mary’s College. Whether it is studying in the cozy and inviting atmosphere of Reignbeaux Lounge, taking late-night rides on the colorful Blinkie shuttle, or experiencing the excitement and camaraderie of DomerFest as a newly initiated Smick, these are the moments that bring current Belles together and create a unique sense of community. These current experiences help to define this generation of Saint Mary's students and set them apart from Belles who came before them. Alumnae who graduated years ago most likely did not have access to the same resources and opportunities that students have today. However, they still share a special bond with Saint Mary’s College and with other Belles. 

Attending an all women’s college like Saint Mary's provides a unique experience that is unlike that of traditional co-ed institutions. A strong sense of sisterhood and empowerment comes with being surrounded by a community of women. As women, we share similar experiences and have perspectives that can foster a feeling of support in our environment. This strong community allows students to freely explore their passions and academic interests. This feeling goes beyond the classroom and can be felt throughout campus life. Personal growth and development is encouraged through the environment and allows students to better understand their place in the world. Entering traditionally male-dominated industries is eased through the unique experiences that come with attending an all-woman college. It can prepare students with confidence and leadership skills. These elements of an all-woman college contribute to the strong sense of sisterhood found at Saint Mary’s College.

What makes current Belles different from those of the past is that our connection is not only through real-life experiences but also through virtual communities. The COVID-19 pandemic had a profound impact on the college experience, as students were forced to learn online. This experience pushed students to be flexible and more open-minded toward future technologies. The current generation of college students is shaped by a complex and rapidly evolving landscape, characterized by technological advancements, shifting social norms, new challenges, and unprecedented disruptions. 

The changing attitudes toward diversity, equity, and inclusion are another notable key difference. Belles are aware of the world around them and are more proactive in advocating for social change. Students fight for equal rights for all members of society, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic status. Students have pushed for a greater emphasis on inclusivity in college culture through the creation of The Sexuality and Gender Equity Club, The Student Diversity Board, and Feminists United. Students are facing new challenges such as climate change, globalization, and the rapidly evolving job market. As a result, today’s Belles have become more diverse, globally connected, and socially conscious than ever before.

The experiences had by current Saint Mary’s College students are unique. The memories shared among students creates a strong sense of community that sets current Belles apart from those of the past. Today’s culture and societal changes present new challenges for current students, but also opportunities to shape them into more adaptable individuals. Regardless of our separate experiences, Saint Mary’s College Belles will always share a special bond. It is the sisterhood that connects us and will continue to thrive and shape the future of the College. The shared experiences of today’s Belles will help grow the traditions and surrounding community to be passed down to future generations and create a positive impact on the world.

Mariana Taskey
Film Major

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