Agency, Voice, and the Evolution (AVE) of Women at Saint Mary’s, 1920-2023: Spring 2023

Imagining the Future, Gordon

One hundred years from now, I will be one hundred and nineteen years old. Although I may not be alive, my children and grandchildren will certainly be, and I hope society will have improved in all aspects. I think that our society as a whole will have evolved technologically but that we will remain similar as people. Self-driving cars will likely be the norm, and our personal devices will be much more advanced. Computers will be more compact and less bulky. Phones will have taken on a completely different look and probably be able to control our cars, homes, and other devices. A.I. will have become scarily advanced, and humans will truly have almost all information at their fingertips. People, however, will still love sports, social activities, and being around other people. People will still be imperfect and always find new things to squabble about. I hope that fewer injustices exist in the world, and all people are accepted and valued for simply being who they are. 

Much like the greater society, I believe that Saint Mary’s College will advance technologically but remain the same at heart. It will utilize the technology of the age and continue to update our buildings, but it will still be a place that empowers all women and encourages them in their journey to find their place in the world. I hope that in one hundred years, Saint Mary’s campus will reflect a more diverse community. Saint Mary’s is a place for all, and it is my hope that it will truly be a place for all with numerous students from different cultures and backgrounds. Additionally, I hope that Saint Mary’s will be more well-rounded in itself. Students will have the space and resources to engage in artistic expression, wide-ranging academics, sports of various levels, and whatever they desire, all on Saint Mary’s campus. 

In terms of education, it is my hope that the curriculum will continue to expand students' knowledge of the world beyond South Bend and the United States. Literature and perspectives of all kinds will hopefully be integrated more fully into the curriculum of all courses. I hope that the classroom will continue to be a safe and encouraging environment for students to grow and pursue their curiosities. I also hope that it will grow to be a space where students do not feel burdened by the weight of assignments and grades, enabling them to focus on learning and getting to know those around them. Students should never feel like they are incapable of learning or performing as well as others. Hopefully, the core curriculum will help students grow in character and understanding of their place in the world. 

It is my hope that students of all religious backgrounds will feel safe at Saint Mary’s and will be provided the resources to practice their faith. Saint Mary’s will remain a Catholic college, but I hope that religion becomes a point of learning from others and of unity. It should not be a point of division and prioritization of some groups over others.

I hope that Saint Mary’s keeps its autonomy and continues to develop as an institution. It is a beautiful place that fosters sisterhood, love, education, and growth. It is not without flaws and conflict, but I hope that Saint Mary’s grows to recognize its flaws and divisions within the population and approaches them with kindness, an open-mindedness, and the consideration of all in the community. “All people are God’s people” is posted all around campus, and I hope that one hundred years in the future, the Saint Mary’s community remembers this. I hope that Saint Mary’s will continue to be a place for all people.

Chancelor Gordon 
Literature and Global Studies

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