Agency, Voice, and the Evolution (AVE) of Women at Saint Mary’s, 1920-2023: Spring 2023

1970s Chimes

Chimes is Saint Mary’s College’s student-run literary and artistic magazine. First published in 1893, the Chimes has featured student voices for the past 130 years. Chimes gives students a platform to share their voices through writing. Within Chimes are a variety of topics which span from romantic poetry to artistic commentary on social issues. The following volume was published in December 1972 and edited by Donna Barbano (Senior Editor), Leanne Jacques (Assistant Editor), Alison Kittrell (Poetry Editor), Anne Reilly (Poetry Editor), Glen Sorge (Fiction Editor/Photography Editor), Mary Freitag (Nonfiction Editor), Lorraine Raih (Nonfiction Editor), Doane Malloy (Art Editor), and Denise Perry (Public Relations). 

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