Slicing the Public Pie: A primer on data representations & issues surrounding their use @HealthCanada

Qs - FPS & Data Representations

The following are questions pertaining to the Canadian FPS as well as the creation and use of data representations therein.

As federal public servants, how is a given data representation going to contribute to the provision of the Government of Canada's mandate?

Is there a solid rationale for using a data representation in a given set of circumstances?

Can the data representation be stored for long-term archiving with relative ease of on-demand retrieval (i.e. facilitates future data mining efforts)?

Does the data representation conform to ITIL standards?

Do you (and/or your working group) have the skills to select and create the most effective data representation in a given instance? If not, do timely training opportunities exist (in either internally or in the private sector)?

How will data representation need to be created knowing the data is primarily viewed by immediate managers within the FPS prior to any other potential audiences?

What is the level of technical expertise of the primary target audience?

Does the immediate manager of the data representation developer understand the narrative inherent to the data as displayed in that representation?

Are important elements of the data lost with simpler representations?

Do important elements of the data become convoluted or opaque with more sophisticated representations?

Will the a new generation of public servants currently trained in more sophisticated data representation tools be the primary driving force behind the acceptance of those tools within the FPS?


Who the standardizers and gatekeepers are within the FPS

Issues based on FPS demographics

An overview of FPS management issues as pertaining to data representations

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