12020-04-12T17:17:32-07:00Sam Meurer886185f60296eed6debb66f1b24ed06967c75fe3356594plain2020-04-12T17:26:06-07:00Sam Meurer886185f60296eed6debb66f1b24ed06967c75fe3Race was determined through profiles on professional bio pages. Many pages did not include pictures, so I looked to secondary sources such as social media pages, news headlines, awards and awards ceremonies, etc.
This section is purely based on my own judgement and doesn't take into account ethnicity. If this information is wrong, feel free to contact me so I can correct the data.
Contents of this annotation:
1media/Screen Shot 2020-04-12 at 6.36.38 PM_thumb.png2020-04-12T16:38:45-07:00Sam Meurer886185f60296eed6debb66f1b24ed06967c75fe3Process1This bio page of David Deustch, associate professor at University of Alabama, serves as an example of how my data was collected.media/Screen Shot 2020-04-12 at 6.36.38 PM.pngplain2020-04-12T16:38:45-07:00Sam Meurer886185f60296eed6debb66f1b24ed06967c75fe3