Rhizome Experiment, Fall 2015

What Is Self?

There are two versions of self: the real self and the virtual self. The real self is the physical body and includes the actions one chooses to perform in his/her life. These decisions may depend on time, environment, or economic status. The virtual self is any identity that the user chooses to assume: a male can be female, a mother can be a child, and so forth. The avatars in Second Life, for instance, provide a multitude of possibilities to mix-and-match to produce a character that the user would like. However, the avatars do not have a wide range of skin colors, which illustrates the racial prejudices that exist in the real as well. //can connect to race here// As a result, the real world can influence the virtual self.
Likewise, the virtual can also influence the real self. Playing video games or participating in simulations help the user realize his/her interests. If the individual finds a deep passion for the game, he/she may pursue a career in visual design or computer science to create code for a game. Similarly, playing around in simulations may provide suggestion to the individual if this identity is one that they would like to assume or incorporate into their real self. For instance, a man identified as a transsexual after playing as a woman in a simulated game, realizing his true character through the use of a virtual space. The virtual reality is able to produce a version of self that can be reflected in the real self.
The social factors that shape and influence identity are perpetually shifting due to real world happenings.  This in turn changes the way individuals participate in simulations. Both reality and virtuality impact the self as aspects of each flow into both spaces and contribute to the user’s character, whether real or virtual. Therefore, the self can never be defined as one stagnant thing as it will continuously be impacted by both the real and virtual spaces.

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