Resident Evil (1996) : Project 3

Description of Resident Evil

Resident Evil (1996) was the first game of many fighting zombies and trying to survive in this horror game. All of the games in the franchise are survival horror games with the first one cemented the horror genre of games an actual genre. When you first load up the game you can select between easy and hard mode. In the game hard mode Is shown as a license of a man named Chris Redfield, while the easy mode is shown as a license of a women named Jill Valentine. Whichever one you pick not only select the difficulty of the game but also which character you play as. Before the Game starts the game give you a background/setup of the game so that you can get straight into the gameplay and understand the games storyline.

You play through the game in third person moving throughout the game solving puzzles and killing enemies throughout. Occasionally you'll come across a boss fight that you'll need to complete to progress the story. For being the first game of a series, they truly delivered here in what they were trying to accomplice on it being a horror game. It was truly scary for players as the game featured zombie throughout the game as well as scary bosses including a giant snake and a giant spider.
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