Resident Evil (1996) : Project 3

Description of Resident Evil

Resident Evil takes place primarily in a mansion moving through to get to the end and escape. No matter where you go in the game you have to solve simple but necessary puzzles to move on either to the next room or next boss. In most puzzle rooms they give you options on whether or not you want to open of push something. You almost always want to do the action it gives you so you can progress. You consistently have to shoot and kill zombies in the rooms and hallways so you can get through. You'll also come into contact with some of the dogs from the beginning of the game and you can either avoid them of kill them to get through.

Before actually going to the mansion, you have to watch a video setting up the story and setting of the game. You and a team of operative land in a field and get attacked by dogs therefore chasing them into the house looking for cover and safety away from the dogs attacking them. There is also other location that just the Mansion, however. You also go outside and into the guard house, underground, and even into the lab fighting bosses in each location. You fight every boss with the same thing which is just guns. Whenever you move onto a new location the screen will go black and show either just the door opening or the stairs depending on where you are trying to go. Retro Review: Resident Evil | Middle Of Nowhere Gaming

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