Resident Evil (1996) : Project 3


For this Project I will be looking at the video game, "Resident evil." Created by Capcom in 1996 and was a survival horror game. Over the years its popularity has grown greatly. From it being the first main line game to be a first-person perspective game to it being what introduced the horror genre and basically cemented it as a genre. Throughout this project, I will describe the gameplay of Resident Evil, I will look into the context of the game, and I will be looking at the cultural impact the game has had over the years.

The gameplay is pretty straight forward as you get a selection between two characters to play as before you walk around exploring solving mini puzzles and killing zombies and other creatures. The context/lore of the game is very complex and is not discussed in its entirety her. The game has somewhat of a cult following considering all the other types of media the game has expanded to other than the 28 games that have been made. The game has sparked a book series, a movie series, and recently in 2022 a show on Netflix receiving mixed reviews. The game was not the first horror game however it was the game to start the horror genre. It inspired many games including Uncharted (2007-present), Dead Space (2008-present), Gears of War (2006-present), and even God of War (2018). The Resident Evil is even named dropped across media to simply describe something scary. Even while typing this currently the video, I have playing as background noise named dropped it describing them getting scared in a game of hide and seek.

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