This comment was written by Robin Ingenthron on 21 Oct 2016.
Evolution of Rational Zealotry
In 2010, after BAN launched a scathing attack on a state of the art CRT remanufacturer in Semarang, Indonesia, I invited BAN to the "California Compromise" to agree on BAN standards for exports, with the plan to use California SB20 funding to supply better product than even I could provide. That was directly against my commercial interest.
That failed, and then Joe Benson was accused that year. I contacted BAN about Joe Benson and they told me to basically fuck off (saying there would be no more communication until I towed the line).
Today, several people call me a zealot. Ok.
John Brown was considered a zealot. The question is, at what point can a rational person come to the logical solution that a zealot (or public defender, or anti-defamation representative) is necessary? At what point does zealotry become a personal moral sacrifice of perceived integrity? At what point does Susan B. Anthony decide to live with sl*t-shaming?
It is necessary to offer nuance and moderation to win majority consensus. However, John Brown's Harpers Ferry raid was probably necessary, according to Frederick Douglass (1881 commemorative address).
Social fear of unrest will forever kick the can down the road and leave strong positions to invested partners. If the facts become very morally clear, the zealot creates the path for Lincoln.