Public Education: Participatory Democracy
Public Education: Participatory Democracy after neoliberalism is a history of the present moment that describes, chronicles, and analyzes the struggle to hold onto and enhance rights and access to public education. This interactive web-documentary attends to the national movement, not the mainstream news, to end corporate education reform, the privatization of public education, and the colonization of education by neoliberalism. It challenges the pervasive myth that social change and movements are spearheaded by heroic and iconic individuals by focusing on collective, democratic action by communities and explores participatory democracy to “put the public in public education.” Following community groups as they struggle against neoliberal education “reform,” the project features community organizing, while addressing national phenomena.
This interactive documentary weaves film-text, historical-present, and practical-theoretical as an interactive experience that documents actions and interviews activists. With the fluidity of the Internet, it allows you, the viewer-reader, to navigate at your own pace and create your own route. Notice the possible routes at the bottom of each page. You may use these as well as the table of contents in the upper left corner to navigate. To see the structure and link for the full web-documentary, visit Interactive Documentary.