The International Prester John Project: How A Global Legend Was Created Across Six Centuries

Eulogium Historiarum

Brewer (p. 283) discusses the text:

A chronicle in many hands which describes under the year 1190 that 'Hoc anno, sicut a pluribus traditur, Tartari regnare coeperunt. Hi enim in montibus Indiae latitantes, David regem Indiae filium Presbyteri Johannis occiderunt, et statim ad depopulationem aliarum terrarum processerunt' [In this year, as is related by many, the Tartars began to reign. Indeed, these men, hiding in the mountains of India, killed David, king of India, son of Prester John, and immediately proceeded to the plundering of other lands]: Frank Scon Haydon (ed.) (London, RS, 1858), vol. I, p. 388. No translation known.

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