High-resolution scans are gradually being added to the pages below. When Piranesi's images contain annotations--keys or captions on the same page or following pages--the letters or numbers in his images are highlighted and, when hovered over, a pop-up box appears with a transcription of Piranesi's annotations. In many cases, these annotations contain objective historical or architectural detail; in others, they contain discussions about the significance of art or the construction of knowledge. In his views, the annotations tend to be restricted to a single page; in his maps, though, his keys refer readers to images in other volumes. We understand these pages as part of an enhanced digital edition, which is distinct from the digital collection that reproduces, without annotation or other digital reinterpretations, the twenty-nine volumes.
Currently, Roman Antiquities (vol 1), City of Paestum (vol 15), and Views of Rome (vol 16, 17) contain annotated pages of the views (vedute). During Fall 2020 and Spring 2021, staff will add, annotate, and some cases animate images from other volumes of Roman Antiquities (vol 2, 3, 4), On the Magnificence and Architecture of the Romans (vol 7), Architecture and Perspective (vol 8), Imaginary Prisons (vol 8), and Campus Martius (vol 10). Annotations appear in Piranesi's original Italian, and translations can be found in "Additional metadata." Brief scholarly essays on each image in the Views of Rome appear in vol 17 and will, by September 2021, be added to vol 16 as well. As the project continues, we hope to invite contributions of a similar nature on Piranesi's other works.