Petroleum, Refineries, and the Future

Crude Oil Tests

The authors Jack Rees and Donald L. Angin say in the article that there are three types of tests which are used to differentiate and analyze the crude oil and their cuts. They are: the tests for physical properties like specific gravity, tests for chemical species like sulfur, nitrogen and tests for determining the chemical composition of the crude oil (Rees and Anglin).

According to these authors, the test of physical properties is used to determine how the petroleum products will perform. This test of physical properties is important for all types of fuel. For example, the ideal physical property of a jet fuel is that it must be fluid and pumpable at low temperatures. It is because the aeroplanes have to fly at high altitude having very low temperature (Rees and Anglin).

Second test mentioned in the article is Chemical Species. The chemical species of the petroleum products is an important issue to be concerned. The test of chemical species of the crude oil is necessary also in terms of emission control and environmental sustainability. For example, if the chemical species of a crude oil contains sulfur, it can be said to be not appropriate to use it in the environment (Rees and Anglin).

Similarly, the test of Chemical Composition is also explained in the article. Chemical Composition, however, is a very expensive and time-consuming process. This is why, only one sample of crude oil has been tested thoroughly for its chemical composition. As one can imagine, the possibility of such test happening again in the future is very low (Rees and Anglin).
Works Cited

Rees, Jack and Anglin, Donald L. “Oil Analysis.” AccessScience, McGraw-Hill Education, 2014.
          Web. Accessed 15 Nov 2017.

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