Performing Archive

Wild Man of the Woods Transcript

Below is the transcript of the Wild Man of the Woods song, as provided by the University of Indiana Bloomington Archive of Traditional Music

“Oh, you wonder, magic power! You great wonder, magic power! Everywhere the great one will select for destruction. His weapon how wonderful! This great Paqusilahi, this our great, best one in the world.”

(A-kyas,na-wa-laq! A-tsi-kyas-utl, na-wa-laq! Ho ho ho ho ha ma mai am ha ma mai. Ya-kyi-ko-ta-la=gyi-lis tsi-tle; na-na-pa-yu kyas-wa Pa-qus kya-su- gyins nu-la-ka-ma-lis tsi-ya! Ho ho ho ho ha ma mai am ha ma mai. Ho ho ho ho ha ma mai am ha ma mai.)

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