Berlioz, Symphonie fantastique, 1830. Recorded 1958 by the Philharmonia Orchestra conducted by André Cluytens. Internet Archive.
1 2015-08-15T17:37:04-07:00 Cecilia Wichmann 570c894159ad998517c62537a60758b7099e0270 5542 4 Berlioz, Symphonie fantastique, 1830. Recorded 1958 by the Philharmonia Orchestra conducted by André Cluytens. Internet Archive.. plain 2015-08-16T23:34:24-07:00 Internet Archive 2010-06-26T19:36:44Z audio BerliozSymphonieFantastiquecluytens Berlioz DWTKenInNY Andre Cluytens Harold in Italy Symphonie fantastique DWTKenInNY Cecilia Wichmann 570c894159ad998517c62537a60758b7099e0270Media
resource | rdf:resource | |
type | rdf:type | |
is live | scalar:isLive | 1 |
was attributed to | prov:wasAttributedTo | |
created | dcterms:created | 2015-08-15T17:37:04-07:00 |
Version 4
resource | rdf:resource | |
versionnumber | ov:versionnumber | 4 |
title | dcterms:title | Berlioz, Symphonie fantastique, 1830. Recorded 1958 by the Philharmonia Orchestra conducted by André Cluytens. Internet Archive. |
description | dcterms:description | Berlioz, Symphonie fantastique, 1830. Recorded 1958 by the Philharmonia Orchestra conducted by André Cluytens. Internet Archive.. |
url | art:url | |
default view | scalar:defaultView | plain |
was attributed to | prov:wasAttributedTo | |
created | dcterms:created | 2015-08-16T23:34:24-07:00 |
type | rdf:type | |
source | dcterms:source | Internet Archive |
date | dcterms:date | 2010-06-26T19:36:44Z |
type | dcterms:type | audio |
identifier | dcterms:identifier | BerliozSymphonieFantastiquecluytens |
subject | dcterms:subject | Berlioz |
subject | dcterms:subject | DWTKenInNY |
subject | dcterms:subject | Andre Cluytens |
subject | dcterms:subject | Harold in Italy |
subject | dcterms:subject | Symphonie fantastique |
contributor | dcterms:contributor | DWTKenInNY |
Version 3
resource | rdf:resource | |
versionnumber | ov:versionnumber | 3 |
title | dcterms:title | Berlioz, Symphonie fantastique, 1830. Recorded 1958 by the Philharmonia Orchestra conducted by André Cluytens. |
description | dcterms:description | Berlioz, Symphonie fantastique, 1830. Recorded 1958 by the Philharmonia Orchestra conducted by André Cluytens. |
url | art:url | |
default view | scalar:defaultView | plain |
was attributed to | prov:wasAttributedTo | |
created | dcterms:created | 2015-08-16T23:31:18-07:00 |
type | rdf:type | |
source | dcterms:source | Internet Archive |
date | dcterms:date | 2010-06-26T19:36:44Z |
type | dcterms:type | audio |
identifier | dcterms:identifier | BerliozSymphonieFantastiquecluytens |
subject | dcterms:subject | Berlioz |
subject | dcterms:subject | DWTKenInNY |
subject | dcterms:subject | Andre Cluytens |
subject | dcterms:subject | Harold in Italy |
subject | dcterms:subject | Symphonie fantastique |
contributor | dcterms:contributor | DWTKenInNY |
Version 2
resource | rdf:resource | |
versionnumber | ov:versionnumber | 2 |
title | dcterms:title | Berlioz, Symphonie fantastique, 1830. Recorded 1958 by the Philharmonia Orchestra conducted by Andre Cluytens. |
description | dcterms:description | Berlioz, Symphonie fantastique, 1830. Recorded 1958 by the Philharmonia Orchestra conducted by Andre Cluytens. |
url | art:url | |
default view | scalar:defaultView | plain |
was attributed to | prov:wasAttributedTo | |
created | dcterms:created | 2015-08-16T23:30:27-07:00 |
type | rdf:type | |
source | dcterms:source | Internet Archive |
date | dcterms:date | 2010-06-26T19:36:44Z |
type | dcterms:type | audio |
identifier | dcterms:identifier | BerliozSymphonieFantastiquecluytens |
subject | dcterms:subject | DWTKenInNY |
subject | dcterms:subject | Andre Cluytens |
subject | dcterms:subject | Berlioz |
subject | dcterms:subject | Harold in Italy |
subject | dcterms:subject | Symphonie fantastique |
contributor | dcterms:contributor | DWTKenInNY |
Version 1
resource | rdf:resource | |
versionnumber | ov:versionnumber | 1 |
title | dcterms:title | Berlioz, Symphonie fantastique (Cluytens) |
description | dcterms:description | Berlioz, Symphonie fantastique. Philharmonia Orchestra, Andre Cluytens, cond. EMI, recorded November 1958 |
url | art:url | |
default view | scalar:defaultView | plain |
was attributed to | prov:wasAttributedTo | |
created | dcterms:created | 2015-08-15T17:37:04-07:00 |
type | rdf:type | |
source | dcterms:source | Internet Archive |
date | dcterms:date | 2010-06-26T19:36:44Z |
type | dcterms:type | audio |
identifier | dcterms:identifier | BerliozSymphonieFantastiquecluytens |
subject | dcterms:subject | Berlioz |
subject | dcterms:subject | Harold in Italy |
subject | dcterms:subject | Symphonie fantastique |
subject | dcterms:subject | Andre Cluytens |
subject | dcterms:subject | DWTKenInNY |
contributor | dcterms:contributor | DWTKenInNY |