The Autographs of Saint Mary's: Nathaniel Hawthrone
Nathaniel Hawthorne was born in 1804 in Salem, Massachusetts. His greatest inspiration for writing was colonial America. He could trace his ancestry to the colonial period. Twice-Told Tales is Saint Mary’s copy and one of his earliest books. Hawthorne’s books often discuss moral questions and guilt. He liked to look at how guilt doesn’t just affect one person but can affect a whole community.
Twice-Told Tales is a collection of short stories written by Nathaniel Hawthrone. It originally started off as 18 stories but 24 more stories were added to it in a later edition. The stories in Twice-Told Tales talk about Colonial America, and his curiosity in moral inquiries.
Our copy of Twice-Told Tales was published in 1900.
It contains an added page that has an attached ship’s log with Nathaniel Hawthrone’s signature. And it’s not a traditional autograph but it is unique. This autograph adds another level where you have to unfurl the ship’s log to see the autograph, essentially putting yourself in Hawthrone’s space looking over the log to sign it.