Community Agreement
1. Engage in prompt and transparent communication, defined as:
- Acknowledging the realities of everyone’s busy schedules and communicating what reasonable expectations might be for a given task;
- Recognizing that honest communication is the best communication (i.e. don’t promise to do something that you know you can’t actually get done);
- Providing updates on progress on a regular basis;
- Clearly outlining plans for future work; and
- Communicating reasonably within regular working hours.
2. Show a willingness to respect everyone’s ideas and disciplinary strengths.
3. Listen to each other with an authentic posture of open-mindedness and enthusiasm for the ideas of others.
4. Give and receive feedback in respectful, constructive manner. (Don’t hesitate to give praise and support each other in this work!)
5. Put in the proper amount of effort for a specific task (not trying to take over, but also making sure you complete the tasks that you’ve promised to do). This requires distributing tasks evenly and establishing a feasible work plan from the beginning.