Folk music and Yorkville CoffeehousesMain MenuYorkville and the Coffee HousesSo what is a coffee house?What was Folk Revival Music?Yorkville and the Folk Revival in TorontoThe Penny FarthingThe RiverboatIntroThe Mynah BirdSources ConsultedProject InformationThe FlickIntroduction to The Flick coffeehouseThe Purple OnionBrief introduction to The Purple Onion coffee houseStacy Allison-Cassin4ad8166de9c8253ed5763d518324395da4eabf92York University Libraries
Ad from the Telegram featuring The Flick
12018-03-13T16:41:36-07:00Brian McLaughlin0c16f0d67ad92d66eea5288f64d8c29f6d3a45cc157223This ad features some of the bands and musicians that played at the Flick. Also shown is the dates in which these bands played.plain2018-03-28T17:50:57-07:00The Toronto Telegram, After Four Pop PageCopy right under York Univeristy Libraries/Toronto TelegramYork Univeristy Libraries Scanning & MicrofilmToronto Telegram1968-06-13June 13 1968Brian McLaughlin0c16f0d67ad92d66eea5288f64d8c29f6d3a45cc
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12018-03-09T14:19:48-08:00The manager Ron Owen and The Stitch in Tyme at the Flick13plain2018-03-28T17:59:44-07:00Not too much Is known about the personal life of Ron Owen who was the manager of The Flick. What is known is that he had quite the beard and that he had unwavering faith in the establishment he looked after. Interviewed in the Globe and Mail, Ron admitted that competition was stiff during this time in Yorkville. Despite this, Ron confidently said the Flick offered the best entertainment out there and for a very reasonable price of admission. Ron made sure to the tell the people "we are rich and we aren'tafraid to show it." He was devoted to the very end as he stayed house manager all the way until 1969. The Stitch in Tyme was the house band credited for controlling operations at The Flick. They were described in the Toronto Star to be a quintet that "wore costumes stitched in gaudy frills and blinding hues." The members of the Stitch In Tyme included Bruce wheaton on vocals and guitar, Grant Fullerton on guitar, Bob Murphy on the keyboard, bassist Donnie Morris and drummer Pinky Dauvin. They were notorious for making TheFlick their venue of choice and were acknowledge as one of its star acts ensuring that TheFlick would always have away to profit.Their link to the Flick was so important, that according to Ron Owen as the band was breaking up in 1969, The Flick would start to see its days being numbered.