Museum of Resistance and Resilience

Praxis #3, Week Three Entry -- Media Intervention


*Ytasha Womack, Afrofuturism: The World of Black Sci-Fi and Fantasy Culture, Chapter 2


*Black Panther, Ryan Coogler

*Also, reminder to finish Butler/Jennings Kindred

Praxis #3:  3rd response 

For your last prep for our manifesto post, read and view the above materials and then based on those, pose 2 questions or issues for a group discussion for our manifesto. What sort of issues do each raise that you find of interest?  What forms do they use to help you think about contributing an entry to the manifesto? 

We will be considering the prior two Manifesto entries and then creating an entry on how we might go further in the direction offered in a particular intervention.  If you have time, it might be useful to review the two prior Manifesto entries on Scalar beforehand:

For your last prep for our manifesto post, read and view the above materials and then based on those, pose 2 questions or issues for a group discussion for our manifesto. What sort of issues do each raise that you find of interest?  What forms do they use to help you think about contributing an entry to the manifesto? 

We will be considering the prior two Manifesto entries and then creating an entry on how we might go further in the direction offered in a particular intervention.  If you have time, it might be useful to review the two prior Manifesto entries on Scalar beforehand:

Remember your 3rd post should also include a short reflection (around 400 words) on your process throughout the Praxis 3.You may post on Scalar in Praxis 3 reflections section or in our Praxis 3 reflection folder. The guidelines for Praxis 3 have some questions/ideas if you are stuck on your reflection. 


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