Museum of Resistance and Resilience

Praxis #1.1 War, Memory, And Identity: Beyond Victims and Voice Museum of Resistance and Resilience

HONS 230: War, Memory, and Identity: Beyond Victims and Voices Museum of Resistance and Resilience (Wentworth)

Project #1 Past Times/Spaces of Protest

Curation is usually organized around a particular theme and while this project has an overall theme of “Protest” this can take shape as “resistance” and/or “resilience” in any number of historical or cultural forms. Our first project asks you to work on assembling and annotating materials for a section of the museum focused on Past Protests/Charleston Civil Rights (events prior to 2000).


Link to our library page: (Charleston Jazz Initiative) Project/Prof. Karen Chandler

Using Scalar our “museum” space, your group will select a genre and post between 3-6 objects with annotations. You have the core theme of protest, the specific response, and cultural form it takes is of your choosing (music, architecture, fashion, sports, etc.). You will have a mini exhibition or “show” with a total of 6 objects. Post an image, video, audio, or text for each object selected on an individual page with a brief description of the object and the artist/s involved.

You will then annotate elements of each of the objects to help us understand why you have selected this object.

When you have completed all six objects, please organize the materials on a page or pages with a brief description of your theme and why the objects were selected to be collected for the theme and exhibition. This can be a paragraph or two but be clear on your theme and how the six objects work to fit the theme and fit together.


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