Museum of Resistance and Resilience

3024 (Eujue, Katie, & Kristin)

This project is based off of Eujue, Katie, and Annabelle’s Praxis 3, Week 1 Entry, where they created a pamphlet that sets the foundation for a future dystopian society where social class is determined by your access to technology and high-speed internet. The more advanced your technology is and the fast your internet is, the higher you rise in the ranks. In turn, those with higher statuses have access to better amenities and services. Social mobility is low, and therefore social class groups are extremely distinct and divided. 

Our group wanted to further build off of this Dystopian society, which is separated into four social tiers— Tier 1 as the highest class and Tier 4 as the lowest class. To truly immerse the viewer, we decided to create an interactive narrative that depicts the toilings that a Tier 4 member must go through to rise a Tier. In this storyline, the user will play as a character and make decisions for her in response to her personal needs and how her peers treat her. Click here to play!


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